Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Isu Lego dan perkahwinan rasulullah saw

salam alaikum,

musuh2 islam memang banyak dewasa ni, lebih2 lagi akibat propaganda2 untuk kepentingan masing2 yang telah sedikit sebanyak mengkaburi mata beberapa insan.

tak dnafikan juga sikap mereka yang menggelar diri mereka muslim tetapi perangai ada kala lebih jahiliah daripada yang mengaku bukan muslim.
justeru haruslah kita tingkatkan ilmu mencari kebenaran dan juga amal soleh setiap masa.

iA, dengan pencarian yang betul melalui sumber yang sahih, kita akan dapati lebih banyak kita study islam lagi banyak kita akan sedar bahawa islam tidak ada cacat cela lansung. hal ini adalah kerana agama ini telah sempurna dan di'preserved' tanpa ada gubahan, diturunkan untuk ummat manusia sampai ke penghujung zaman.

sentiasalah kita berpegang kepada alquran dan sahih hadith.

ttg isu lego ini, ia satu lagi cubaan utk memburukkan nama islam.

tapi, sorry to say la, islam tersangat sempurna, setiap attack, hanya akan memberi keuntungan kepada islam sebenarnya, jika yang terlibat betul2 kaji dengan teliti islam dari sumber yang sahih (authentic).

bab isu perkhahwinan nabi muhammad saw ini wajar kita ketahui serba sedikit utk menjelaskan sbrg ragu2.

web site ini menjelaskan dengan agak jelas segala isu yang timbul ttg hal bersabit. bacalah jika ada masa. KLIK

antara poin2 yang menarik:

- limit perkhahwinan rasulullah dijaga oleh Allah swt. buktinya
*{It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives.}* (Al-Ahzab 33:52)
-- semua perkahwinannya berlandaskan hikmah sebagai seal of the prophets. (boleh baca artikel tadi)
--juga kena igt status istri2 rasulullah disebut dalam quran (tak igt la which ayat, sesiapa tolong cek), lebih kurang, bahawa status istri2 rasulullah2 bukan sembarangan wanita, mereka adalah ummul mukminin (mothers of the believers) dan diharamkan utk mereka berkawen selepas kewafatan rasulullah.
-- istri rasulullah memainkan peranan yg major dalam mereportkan hadith kepada mukminin pada masa lepas rasulullah wafat.

- islam satu2nya agama langit yg jelas mencadangkan kawen satu saja jika takut berlaku zalim
*{Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one.}* (An-Nisaa’ 4:3)

-ttg aisyah pula, boleh baca juga ya dalam artikel tersebut. tp, secara ringkas ikut ilmu yang saya tahu (anda boleh kaji kesahihannya ya), aisya bertunang dengan nabi ketika umur 6 thn. dan hanya dikawenkan ketika menstrual cyclenya telah establish. memang custom arab pada masa itu utk bertunang awal malah dgr cita ada yg tunang dari baby lg. tp of course time betul2 kawen tu bila dah baligh la :)
- lebih2 lagi bapa aisya,Abu Bakr, khalifah pertama selepas kewafatan rasulullah saw merupakan sahabat baginda yg paling rapat sekali.
-aisya, anak sahabat plg rapat nabi ini pula sebenarnya telah terputus tunang kerana tunang sebelumnya (dr pertunangan yg lebih awal lg ni) merupakan bukan islam (rujuk artikel)
- kalaulah dikatakan aisya dizalimi masakan dia pernah berkata (saya tak igt sumber, tolong cek sesapa) lebih kurang, tiada wanita yang lebih saya jeles melainkan khadijah (iaitu isteri rasulullah yang pertama yang rasulullah saw sgt sayang). adakah isteri yg dizalimi boleh mengatakan sedemikian??

subahanallah (maha suci the god ie al-lah; yakni dari segala cacat cela).

the more you study islam the authentic way, the more beautiful it will get as u can see in the above example.
jom kita berbondong2 kembali kepada islam,
penyelesaian penyakit kritikal dunia kini,
ahmad atiq bin abd hamid
30 dec 08
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
By the declining day, (1) Lo! man is a state of loss, (2) Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance. (3)

Hamba Allah 1

Sesungguhnya Allah menjadikan sesuatu perkara itu berasas, sama ada dari sumbernya atau terhadap kesannya <-- i got this from one of my fav teacher in Mesia +_+

Sy mengambil inisiatif utk menyampaikan dan thank you very much to u Mr Hamba Allah 2 +_+ as you clearly remove the i will forward this to my Kerabat (my family group) as well as i got the email from them +_+

Alhamdulillah......when we first read this, I'm pretty much sure u guys must be surprise to accept it and wonder about its validity..and Allah had gave us someone to bring us out from the pupa! Thanks again Hamba Allah 2 +_+ ..may Allah kept us in His boon always...

Kindly regards,

Hamba Allah 1

reply Hamba Allah 2


Apa yang harus saya lakukan?

1st of all i'd check how much truth is there behind these kind of chain emails.

A simple google search,which took me no more than 2mins, told me that all that was a hoax, the photo was photoshopped, and the whole thing made no sense anyway (why would a business company would want to offend a large chunk of its potential customers and risk losing lots of business in the process?)

Enclosed is the official statement taken from the LEGO website, they even have the pdf version if anyone's interested.

Hope this could serve as a lesson to us especially Muslims.The Quran has been loud and clear all along in Surah Al Hujurat ayat 6 : Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum Dengan perkara Yang tidak diingini – Dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) – sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa Yang kamu telah lakukan.

Nothing against you Hamba Allah 1,im sure you did that in good faith n intentions.Im just speaking my heart out not just for this particular matter, but anything thats been told to us,even by the major newspapers,would surely be worth checking as instructed in the quran.It has been very sad to see how we can easily be manipulated into things like this.

till then

Hamba Allah 2

Image of false LEGO box circulated via e mail

An image of a false LEGO box is currently being circulated across the world via e mail. The picture of the box is computer manipulated and in the picture LEGO elements are used to depict the Prophet Mohammed in a situation of a sexual nature – with a severely offensive text.

The LEGO Group wants to stress that there is no such LEGO product, and that the company totally condemns the picture and the manner in which someone has made use of the LEGO products and brand.

The LEGO Group does not know the original source of the image which back in spring appeared on some European websites. Possibilities of stopping this use of LEGO products and brands are being investigated, and the LEGO Group is collaborating with the Danish police in the matter.

The LEGO Group has released a statement which can be downloaded from this site.

For further information, please contact:
Charlotte Simonsen, Head of Corporate Communications
LEGO Group.
Phone: +45 79 50 65 79 +45 79 50 65 79

Monday, 28 December 2009

Kelas bahasa Arab for nottingham brothers 1431H

Salam alaikum,

Kepada yang berjaya berpuasa sunnah 10 muharram tahniah diucapkan.

Disini ingin mengwar2kan kelas bahasa Arab untuk brothers yang akan dimulakan hari ni selepas solat isha' iA di portland building.

Buku silibes boleh didownload dari link tertera

iA hari ni (Isnin 28hb) akan dimulakan dengan chapter pertama. So boleh la print dari muka surat 5 khasnya hingga ke muka surat 11.

jzkk to bro muhammad ali basyir al-sudani for his help.

do not miss this good opportunity to learn the language of our last prophet... and its totally free of charge and everyone is welcome.

see you there.

Saturday, 26 December 2009


dicilok dari petikan Mohd Ashraff di link


Dari Abi Qatadah berkata: Rasulullah saw ditanya tentang puasa hari Arafah, baginda menjawab: Diampunkan dosa setahun yang lalu dan setahun yang akan datang. Ditanya tentang puasa hari ‘Asyuuraa’, baginda menjawab: Diampunkan dosa setahun yang lepas. Ditanya tentang puasa hari Isnin, baginda menjawab: Itulah hari aku dilahirkan, hari aku diangkat menjadi Rasul, dan hari diturunkan Al-Quran padaku buat kali pertama. (Riwayat Muslim)

++ -- Imam Nawawi dalam Syarah Sahih Muslim menjelaskan bahawa yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah dosa-dosa kecil sahaja. Jika seseorang itu tidak mempunyai dosa kecil, moga-moga diringankan dosa besarnya. Jika tiada juga dia berdosa besar, akan diangkat darjat & martabatnya di sisi Allah azza wajall --.


Dari Ibnu Abbas berkata: Ketika Rasulullah saw berpuasa hari Asyuraa’ dan menyuruh sahabat yang lain berpuasa juga, mereka berkata: Ya Rasulullah, sesungguhnya ini adalah hari kebesaran Yahudi dan Nasrani. Maka berkata Rasulullah: Jika diizinkan Allah, kita akan berpuasa juga pada hari yang ke-9 pada tahun hadapan. Berkata Ibnu Abbas: Rasulullah saw tidak berkesempaian untuk menunaikannya kerana telah wafat sebelum itu. (Riwayat Muslim dan Abu Daud)

++ Pendapat Imam Asy-Syafie dan Imam Ahmad, disunatkan berpuasa pada hari ke-9 dan juga ke-10 berdasarkan pada hadis ini. (Rujukan: Taudih Al-Ahkam Min Bulughil Maram, karangan Abdullah Al-Bassaam)

++ Jika tidak berpuasa pada hari ke-9, disunatkan oleh mazhab Asy-Syafie untuk berpuasa pada hari ke-11. Malah Imam Asy-Syafie ada menyebut dalam kitab Al-Umm disunatkan juga berpuasa pada ketiga-tiga hari ini sekali gus, ke-9, ke-10 dan ke-11. Keempat-empat mazhab melainkan Al-Hanafiyyah mengatakan tiada salahnya berpuasa hanya pada hari ke-10 sahaja, tiada makruhnya sama sekali, ia dibolehkan. (Rujukan: Fiqhul Islam Wa Adillatuh karangan Wahbah Zuhailiy)

++ Maka kaedah berpuasa untuk hari ‘Asyuuraa’ mengikut keutamaan:

1) Hari ke-9 + hari ke-10 + hari ke-11.

2) Hari ke-9 + hari ke-10.

3) Hari ke-10

(Rujukan: Zaadul Ma’ad karangan Ibnu Qayyim)

Note:Hari ke 10 jatuh pada Ahad 27 December 2009
Winter lagila senang nak pose kan? Time berbuka pun cepat..

Tuesday, 22 December 2009



Melihatkan banyak betul video2 penghijrahan insan2 yang telah betul2 mengenali islam, rasanya amat perlu untuk saya turut sama berkongsi penghijrahan saya di blog ini.

hal ini penting, kerana bukan sahaja orang bukan islam yang perlu berhijrah tetapi juga orang yang mengaku dirinya islam tetapi imaannya atau kepercayaannya kepada allah masih belum betul2 terlekat di hati.

secara jujurnya saya rasa diri saya begitu lah sebelum penghijrahan saya itu. islam, namun beberapa perkara yang jelas bukan islam saya lakukan baik secara sedar ataupun tidak. terlalu malu untuk saya menceritakan perkara2 tersebut. cukuplah saya insaf kepada tuhan yang maha esa.

namun peristiwa perhijrahan itu berlaku tatkala saya dimasukkan ke hospital pada pertengahan tahun 2008. saya tidak tahu pun yg saya rebah. wallahualam. allah nak tarik ni'mat sihat sungguh tanpa diduga.

namun apa yang menareknya tatkala saya nak sedar2 itu, satu pengalaman yang sungguh ajaib menimpa saya. susah saya nak terangkan. tapi saya dapat rasakan seolah-olah masa itu sudah tiada. seolah2 macam dunia sudah kiamat di mana masanya abadi dan tidak begitu relevant lagi. sungguh saya betul2 dapat rasakan betapa sungguh ruginya kita jika berada di neraka, seksa seksa dan seksa buat selama lama lamanya!

begitulah secara ringkas pengalaman saya yang betul2 telah menghijrahkan saya.

saya betul2 sedar bahawa masa kita di dunia ini terlalu sedikit untuk dibazirkan. tidak ada masa untuk kita leka. amar makruf (buat baik) nahi mungkar (jauhi kemungkaran atau dosa) harus di jadikan prinsip amal.

dunia ini memang sekejap. kita tidak tahu bila allah akan mematikan kita. maka perlulah kita sedar akan matlamat hidup kita iaitu untuk beribadat kepada allah dalam segala aspek dalam kehidupan.

itulah matlamat saya, sampai saya menghembus nafas yang terakhir.

hidup ini hanya untuk allah.

saya bersyukur kerana allah telah memberi hidayah dan taufik kepada saya. saya berharap agar lebih ramai lagi yg turut diberi keindahan ini yang tidak boleh dibeli iaitu nilai mengenal islam sekenal2nya.

utk mereka yang telahpun mendapat nikmat ini, haruslah kita mengfacilitatekan mereka2 yang lain, baik muslim atau tidak utk turut menikmatinya seboleh2 yang kita boleh.

moga allah kurniakan tempat untuk kita di jannah yang kekal abadi.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Malaysia --> Muslimsia? (Yakin boleh :D)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh.

Saya cukup tertarik memikirkan idea di atas. Mungkin juga boleh diextendkan bg indonesia ke islamisia :D

Ia menghighlightkan kepentingan dakwah untuk merealisasikan tersebut.

Dakwah bukan sahaja kepada orang bukan islam tetapi juga orang yang sedia mengaku islam cuma keimanannya memerlukan hidayah dan taufik yang perlu kita facilitatekan.

Tentang bukan islam,ya tugas dakwah kita sangat banyak. Us-ha mengislamkan nusantara dahulu yang begitu hebat mesti dibangkitkan semula. Hal ini kerana dewasa ini us-ha dakwah masih banyak potensinya untuk diluaskan lagi.

berikut merupakan satu link yang cukup menarik yang saya harap dapat memberi manfaat.

Friday, 18 December 2009


Assalamualaikum sahabat2.

Diharap semua berada dalam kemanisan imaan.

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin allah kita semua masih diberikan peluang oleh allah utk terus berbakti mencari pahala di muka bumi ini.

Kita semua sedia maklum ttg kejutan tragedi yang menimpa sahabat kita, kedua2 ibu bapanya serta jiranya. Namun, ketahuilah, kita semua datang daripada Al-lah (Tuhan @ the God) dan kepadanya jualah kita kembali.

Juga ingin mengingatkan diri kita semua bahawa, setiap perkara yang berlaku telah pun ditentukan oleh Allah SWT. InsyaAllah akan ada hikmahnya kepada mereka yang mahu bermuhasabah.

Pada masa yang sama saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak tahniah kepada sahabat kita Muhammad Azeem bin Azizi yang telah menamatkan zaman bujangnya baru sahaja tadi. Moga2an Allah memberi kebahagiaan kepada mereka dunia dan akhirat.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami semua dari nerakan jahanam.

Ya Tuhan, engkaulah tuhan yang satu, tiada tuhan selain engkau.

Ya Tuhan, tunjukkanlah kami ke jalan yang satu.

Ya Rabb (Tuan), Ya ar-rahman (maha pengasih), ya ar-rahim (maha penyayang),
laillahailallah (tiada tuhan selain yang tuhan itu sendiri ie yang esa, yang satu, yang maha perkasa),
muhammadar rasulullah, muhammad itu utusan allah.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Prioriti dalam perjuangan


Hidup ini satu perjuangan,
penuh dengan liku dan ranjau,
Harus ditempuh dengan kesabaran,
Untuk mencapai kejayaan haqiqi,
di dunia dan akhirat.

Hidup ini penuh cabaran,
Perlu ditempuh dengan kesabaran,
Membuat prioriti menjadi pelan,
barulah mudah untuk merealisasi impian.

Ya Rabbi,
Tuhanku yang satu,
Permudahkanlah hidup kami,
Peliharakanlah kami dari dosa2,

Tunjukkan jalan yang lurus kepada kami,
bukan jalan mereka yang menimbulkan kemarahanmu,
bukan juga mereka yang sesat.
amin amin amin ya rabbal alamin.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Spaghetti Laksa Perantau

Assalamualaikum kawan2,

nak kongsi resipi laksa perantau yang sangat senang dan best.

rasanya kebanyakan pelajar malaysia di uk akan mengalami dilema makanan.

mungkin sebab makanan di luar yang bukan sahaja sangat tidak kena dengan selera kita tetapi boleh jadi disebabkan harga yang kadang2 agak merepek dan mencekik darah.

nak masak pulak, ada yang tak berapa reti dan ada pulak yang tidak mempunyai masa akibat komitmen pelajaran yang banyak dan ketiadaan isteri yang sholehah :)

akibat malangnya, ramai pelajar yang dietnya menjadi tidak sehat seperti pizza instant, dan berbagai2 lagi makanan segera yang lain.

ada pulak yang mengabai lansung pemakanan yang sepatutnya.

ini akhirnya menjejaskan kesihatan pelajar itu sendiri.

oleh itu penyelesaiannya, terpaksa pelajar2 di uk belajar cara memasak yang mudah tetapi sedap.

berikut merupakan contoh:

Laksa perantau

Bahan kuah
-ikan tuna dalam tin - 1
- cili kering - dalam 4 tangkai
-bawang besar - 1 biji
- asam keping - dalam 3 keping
-halia secukup rasa
-air secukupnya ikot kesukaan kepekatan
- santan, jika suka, secukup rasa

semua diatas diblender, dan dididihkan.

pastu rebus telur, spagetti atau mi laksa, lettuce (dihiris panjang2)
- nanas dah siap potong boleh didapati dalam tin di kebanyakan pasaraya.

iA perut senang, hati senang, nak beribadat semua senang.

-jangan makan berlebih2an harus diingat senantiasa :)

Thursday, 13 August 2009

My Trip Back Home Summary

Assalamualaikum kawan2..

Berikut saya rumuskan trip saya balek selama 2.5 minggu berakhir ahad yang lepas.

Alhamdulillah kakak saya telah selamat diijabkabulkan. Moga beliau bersama suaminya dapat kekal bahagia dengan rahmat Allah swt hingga ke hujung masa.

Juga saya ingin berkongsi tentang perubahan yang nampak agak jelas di selangor semenjak pemerintahan barisan baru.

saya perasan aktiviti ceramah agama alhamdulillah begitu aktif. hampir setiap hari ada kuliah yang bermanfaat.

juga ahli jemaah juga jauh memberangsangkan berbanding dahulu.

saya juga ingin memuji kerajaan kerana berjaya memperkenalkan teater islamik ke daerah klang.

teater islamik ini special kerana ia tiada unsur2 maksiat, ataupun lagho.

malam itu, dipentaskan teater tentang kisah taubat kaab bin malik yang tidak pergi berjihad ketika perang tabuk. sungguh mantap. ia dipersembahkan secara solo oleh sabri yunus. dengan iringin muzik, cerita terasa begitu hidup.

malah, saya dengar teater ini juga pernah dibuat di masjid. masya allah. perkembangan dakwah yang sungguh hebat.

juga saya berpeluang melawat rakan2 di pmc. satu pengalaman yang cukup menarik melihatkan suasana sistem perubatan di malaysia negara sendiri.

oh ya, yang tidak mudah dilupakan ialah trip saya ke sg petani semata2 untuk merasa hidangan ala kfc berkonsepkan islam yakni radix fried chicken, RFC.

sungguh hebat!

saya rasa RFC mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar. selain ayam nya yang jauh lebih sedap dari kfc apatah lagi mcdonald, mungkin kerana ia bukan sahaja halal tetapi juga toyyibah (kerana berkonsepkan islam).

pekerja2 rfc semuanya memcerminkan iman dan taqwa. tatkala lepas solat jumaat semua pekerja2nya adalah wanita memastikan tiada pekerja yang ponteng solat. ucapan greeting assalamualaikum begitu tenang didengar dan pekerja2nya semua menutup aurat penuh menjaga maruah masing2.

juga, saya nak memuji produk2 lain radix yang turut dijual di rfc misalnya radix koko yang juga sangat sedap. lagi sedap dari milo rasanya.

juga radix cola yang sangat menyegarkan.

kesimpulannya, saya amat bersyukur dengan perkembangan positif ini. moga2 allah dapat memberi kemudahan kepada kita untuk sama2 menegakkan kembali syiar islam di bumi ini iA.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

PPSMI dimansuhkan!

Salam alaikum kawan2,

berita gembira di atas boleh dilayari di alamat web berikut

pertama2nya syukur kepada allah swt kerana dgn limpah kurnianya diberinya kita nikmat utk masih bernafas di hari ini.

saya ingin komen sedikit ttg hal di atas yg saya dapati byk reaksi berbeza2 dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat.

ada yg kata, pemansuhan ini akan menyebabkan kehancuran masa depan negara.

saya rasa perlunya kita menjelaskan isu ini sejelas2nya yang mungkin utk mengelakkan salah faham dan konflik antara kita.

kita semestinya mahu yang terbaik utk ummat kita di malaysia khususnya dan juga ummat islam sedunia umumnya.

bagi saya pemansuhan ppsmi ini wajar.

hal ini perlu mengambil kira ttg tenaga pengajar, isu bahasa kebangsaan yang menyatukan rakyat, dan pemahaman pelajar2 terutamanya.

sebagai seorang guru math dan science selama hampir 5 tahun, saya masih mengekalkan pendirian saya ini.

bukan bermakna kita mengabaikan bahasa inggeris. saya sendiri sekarang belajar di uk dalam bahasa inggeris (BI) . dididik dalam bahasa malaysia (BM) tatkala sekolah rendah dan menengah amnya, saya tidak dapati masalah serius dalam memahami perkembangan sains dan matematik dalam BI.

malah, saya rasa ia merupakan satu nikmat kerana dapat memahami ilmu dalam kedua2 BM dan BI.

bagi saya kita kena perkasa kedua2 bahasa tersebut. allah kurniakan akal yang sangat hebat utk kita menggunakannya.

ingin juga saya ambil kesempatan ini utk mengetengahkan kedudukan bahasa arab yang saya kira sangat penting utk memahami bahasa al quran yang juga bahasa penyatu di kalangan umat islam.

pokok pangkalnya, bahasa hanyalah merupakan satu alat komunikasi utk kita mencari keredhaan allah swt.

rumusan bahasa:

bm- bahasa utama negara - milik orang malaysia

bi - bahasa penting dunia ketika ini. namun perlu diingat, ianya bukan milik kita. ianya milik orang 'england' dan beberapa tempat dunia seperti amerika.

bahasa arab / bahasa ummat islam - bahasa al-quran, penyatu umat islam, milik semua orang islam, bukan utk orang arab sahaja (sabda rasulullah dalam khutbahnya yang terakhir tak silap)

ya allah, tingkatkan lah ilmu kami, tingkatkan iman dan taqwa kami, kurniakanlah kami tempat di syurgamu ya raob!

moga allah memberkati usha kita semua ke jalannya iA.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

jamak isha and maghrib?

salam alaikum Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad,

i duno if this post will reach u.. but if it doesnt can some one pls forward this to our sheikh here.

i got an observation to share.

fyi, i am a student in nottingham.

i am intrigued about this issue as it is new to me as i originally from malaysia.

i began looking at the horizon myself during maghrib and isha time from our calculated prayer timetable of nottingham uni islamic society. this happened about the time of the summer solstice.

subhanallah, the sun actually sets slightly inclined to north west.

and as for isha time... the is light as well in the sky. HOWEVER, i would to point out, that the light came from the north! not from the site where the sun sets.

so i think there is actually still a proper time present for isha. just that people have gotten themselves mixed up between the northern light and the light from the sunset horizon which i think the latter is the light used by the time of our prophet. surely u dunt look north if there's any light in mecca do you?

as for me... i myself do jama' if i found it really hard for me to observe the 5 prayer time. however, i always try to do the 5 prayers on its proper time as much as possible.

may allah reward us all for our effort.

pls do get back to me at


cited from :

Isha & Fajr Prayer Times During the Summer
Friday, 11 May 2007

Haitham Al-Haddad

Image The designated times for Fajr and Isha prayers in the UK and other countries during the summer season.

All praises are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the prophet Mohammed. The beginning of summer occasions great confusion amongst many Muslims living in the UK, North America, Canada and some other European countries concerning the commencement of Isha, Magrib and Fajr prayers. Muslims frequently enquire about the best time to pray Isha since it starts very late. In this fatwa I will explain the different opinions of the scholars in dealing with this problem. Thereafter, I will discuss these opinions, their evidences and any respective criticisms made against them. Finally, I will explain the best practical opinion taking into consideration the diversity of Muslims residing in these countries as well as the abnormal situations they are facing.

Firstly, it is essential to state that Isha time starts once twilight disappears. This is based on many prophetic traditions such as the statement narrated in Sahih Muslim by Abdullah Ibn Amr that the prophet (SAW) said “and the time for Magrib continues until the twilight does disappear”. Both Muslim and non-Muslim astronomers disagree on the time twilight disappears especially in areas of extreme latitude such as Canada and many European countries. England has a latitude of between 50 to 60 degrees. Some believe that the twilight never disappears for a certain period of time during the summer while others believe that it does disappear, but extremely late.

This disagreement is a result of different opinions concerning two main factors: a) The linguistic interpretation of the disappearance of twilight and b) The astronomical interpretation of the disappearance of twilight. While the vast majority of scholars believe that it is the disappearance of the redness of twilight that truly signifies its ‘disappearance’, Hanafi scholars believe that it is the disappearance of the whiteness. Concerning the second reason behind this disagreement, Muslim scholars differ on which astronomical interpretation should be adopted to determine the disappearance of twilight. The resolution of the ninth Muslim World League conference held in 1406 H (March 1996) holds that 17 degrees is the correct interpretation for the disappearance of twilight. If we adopt this opinion, which is the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars as well as astronomers, then all countries located above 49 degrees latitude may well observe the phenomenon of persistent twilight until the break of dawn. If we adopt the other linguistic meaning and the second astronomical interpretation for the disappearance of twilight we will end up with allocating 15 degrees as the start of Isha time. According to this degree, twilight does disappear yet it disappears very late in places located roughly at 49 or 50 degrees but it never disappears in countries which are located at 60+ degrees latitude. According to the opinion of the vast majority of scholars and astronomers, twilight does not disappear for a period of time during summer in many European countries since many of them are located above 49 degrees latitude.

The above discussion is far from sufficient in uniting the words of the scholars since the difference discussed above is deeply rooted in the four acceptable official schools of thought as well as astronomical interpretation. Moreover the wide diversity of Muslims residing in the UK and Europe, their juristic schools of thought, and the absence of any Muslim leadership for Muslims to follow, makes it almost impossible to agree on specific criteria for the timings of prayer. In any case, it is almost universally accepted that twilight either does not disappear or persists until very late into the night before disappearing in many European countries. In other words, there are two aspects to this period of confusion or hardship: the first aspect is when the legislated indications of the commencement of Isha are to be observed, but very late; the second concerns that period when the legislated indications for the commencement of Isha disappear completely. Hence, irrespective of the disagreement amongst scholars and astronomers, there will be places which observe only one aspect while there will be definitely some other countries observing both aspects mentioned above. The issue is further confounded when on the one hand, some followers of some schools of thought believe that they are observing the first aspect only, while on the other hand, followers of other schools of thought in the very same locality, may believe that they are facing both situations. Now, regardless of whether we follow 17, 19, or 15 degrees as being the start of Isha, a comprehensive explanation and solution should be presented taking in consideration the diversity of understanding found amongst the Muslims.

The problem of the absence of the legislated signs indicating the start of Isha, or the very late start, leads to difficulty in understanding the correct position concerning three related issues: 1) The end of Magrib, 2) The start of Isha and 3) The start of Fajr. Let us first discuss the start of Isha time since it is the main matter of concern here.

Start of Isha time
From the previous discussion we conclude that the aspects relevant to this discussion comprise two parts: 1) The first part is when the legal sign is visible, but it starts extremely late and 2) The second part is when the legal sign disappears altogether. Both cases are treated in a very similar way since the late start makes it extremely difficult to pray Isha on time. An example of this is the start of Isha time on May 20th in London just after midnight1 and a similar time is found on 25th July. The following options result when examining this situation in its totality, taking into consideration all of its various facets: a) Muslims pray Isha at its stated time even if it starts very late or even if it starts after midnight, which according to many scholars signifies the end of Isha time. This is based upon many prophetic traditions. Let us call this option praying at the astronomical time or praying on time; b) Because of the difficulty involved, Muslims estimate the time for Isha prayer at odds to its actual astronomical time. Let us call this option estimation and c) Because of the difficulty involved, Muslims combine Isha with Maghrib at the time of Maghrib. Let us call this option combination.

Discussion of the first opinion: praying on time
Scholars who hold the first option, i.e. praying on time, base their opinion on numerous evidences that clearly indicate that praying on time is the most important condition for performing prayer. Among such proofs is the Qur’anic verse where Allah says [4:103] “Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours”. We also find that the Prophet (SAW) explained the significance of prayer at the appointed time in various ways. For example he said, “The most beloved of actions to Allah is the prayer at its time”. However, this opinion faces problems when twilight persists. In that period, the legal sign for the start of Isha disappears, so what then should be the starting time of Isha? These scholars, in this circumstance, adopt the option of estimation yet their opinions vary as to the best way of estimating. Some scholars believe that the last time on which the legal sign appeared should be the reference time. This time should be adopted throughout the period of persistent twilight. In London, for example, the last day when the legal sign is detectable is the 25th May at 12:38 am2 . According to this opinion, Isha should be prayed at 12:38 until the legal sign starts to be visible again on the 18th July. A second group of these scholars hold that the reference point should be the nearest city where the legal sign is visible. A third group of these scholars hold that we should divide the night into 3 parts and Isha should start by the end of the first third of the night. This means that Muslims living in London, for example, should pray Isha at around 10:45 pm. The fourth group of those scholars hold that Makkah should be our reference point for matters related to acts of worship as it is our Qiblah and we perform Hajj there. According to this opinion Isha commences one and a half hours after Magrib.

Discussion of the second opinion: estimation
The second group of scholars believe that estimation is the best solution. We have seen in the previous argument the justification for such an opinion. These scholars do not accept the option of combination due to the following reasons: a) The Shari’a intended to distribute the prayers over the day and night. This is why the Shari’a considered time a vital condition for prayer. They supported their argument by the fact that the Shari’a discourages people from combining unless there is a pressing need let alone the fact that many scholars prohibited the continuous practice of combining prayers over a long period of time in a manner that gives rise to a habitual action; b) The estimation of Isha time is a valid approach since many scholars agree that Isha time starts after the end of the first seventh of the night according to an interpretation of some Shafi’i scholars and c) The principle of estimation in essence is valid since it is mentioned in the famous hadith of the Dajjal during the last days when Allah extends the length of the days of his presence so that one day will be as long as one complete year, another day will be equal to a month in length, and the third day as long as a week, while others are normal days in length. The Companions asked the Prophet (SAW)about praying in these extended days. The reply of the Prophet (SAW)was to command them to estimate the times of prayer. This hadith is reported in Sahih Muslim.

Discussion of the third opinion: combining
Those who believe that we should combine prayers during the whole period, i.e. both scenarios, base their opinion on various justifications: a)The disappearance of the legal sign leaves no option but to combine the two prayers together. b) The late start of Isha makes it extremely difficult for the vast majority of people in these countries to pray on time when the sign is visible, or at similar time when the sign can no longer be observed. This difficulty brings to attention the principle established by Islamic law to remove any hardship. There is no doubt that praying Isha after midnight, or close to midnight, in such countries is a hardship that the Shari’a seeks to remove. Based on this they believe that, whether the legal sign is visible or invisible, the end ruling is the same, i.e. the period of late visibility should be treated the same as the period of absence. There are numerous prophetic traditions where the Prophet (SAW) combined Magrib with Isha. Most of the scholars believe that the legal reasoning behind this combination is to remove hardship. For example, the prophet carried out this practice several times while he was on a journey from one city to another3 . Moreover, the Prophet (SAW) practiced combination once when he was resident in the city of Madinah neither without being sick nor in a state of fear. Ibn Abbas explained the reason behind this by saying “He intended to remove hardship from his ummah”. The scholars deduce from this that in cases of hardship or necessity it is allowed to combine between Dhuhr and Asr prayer any time between the start of Dhuhr and the end of Asr. Likewise it is allowed to pray Magrib and Isha together in the time of either. According to these scholars, this verdict is conditional on not making this act a habit. In a similar vein, we find that Imam Ahmad allowed the breast-feeding woman who faces difficulty in cleaning her clothes to combine between these prayers. Sa’eed bin al-Mussayyib instructed a shepherd who sought his advice to combine Isha with Magrib before sleeping if he is afraid of missing Isha prayer due to sleepiness and tiredness. These scholars disagree with the opinion of estimating prayers, as they believe that it is baseless. They believe that this situation is different from the situation mentioned in the hadith of the Dajjal. These scholars explained that this analogy is unacceptable because this hadith is only applied in the case of complete disappearance of all the legal signs. This means that we cannot extend this to cover our case when only one of the legal signs is present but appears very late or is absent altogether.

The strongest opinion concerning the start of Isha time in such countries
As we can see, all the opinions mentioned above are justified by many evidences, while at the same time, none of these opinions are free of criticism. Even if we say we must pray on time irrespective of the necessity of hardship involved in praying late at night, we will still not be safe from valid criticism. Isha might start after midnight, as is the case of cities lying above 49 degrees. Midnight according to many scholars is the end of Isha time. This means that adopting this option results in praying Isha after it has ended! Having analysed the previous argument, the following conclusion can be drawn: 1) There is no opinion free of criticism and 2) All opinions are supported by strong direct or indirect proofs and evidences. Moreover all opinions are supported by quotations from the previous scholars. As a result this disagreement becomes a mater of valid Ijtihad. So if someone were to ask: what shall I do and when do I pray Isha? We will give the following answer:

1) The male adult should join the congregational prayer in the mosque that he usually prays in whether they combine or chose any criteria for estimation; 1a) Praying in congregation is compulsory upon every able male adult and it is of great significance in Islam. The Prophet (SAW)desired to punish those who did not attend the congregational prayer and he did not excuse a blind person who hears the call for Salah from not attending it. Some scholars mentioned that attending prayer in congregation takes precedence over many conditions of Salah. For example the adult person who is sick and will pray in a sitting posture if he joins the congregation while he could pray in a standing posture if he prays alone should join the congregation; 1b) The times assigned for Isha in such countries are not definite as shown by the previous discussion. Actually it is a matter of ijtihad as we have just stated. In such cases courses of action that maintain unity or remove disagreements should take precedence over individual opinions; and 1c) The reason behind this conclusion is the fact that we cannot confirm that Isha during this period starts at a specific time which puts it within the area of ijtihad. So if it is an matter of ijtihad, one should pray in congregation even if it takes place at a time that does not match his ijtihad. This conclusion is supported by the fact that Islam aims to prevent fitnah between Muslims and block all roads leading to it.

2) If there is no near-by mosque or the person is not an individual who must join the congregation like a sick person, a female or immature child, then he or she should delay Isha prayer as much as he or she can. The reason behind this conclusion is the fact that praying on time puts great hardship on a person yet at the same time this opinion is not free of criticism. On the other hand combining Isha with Magrib should not be a habit especially when there is no pressing need. Estimation, as a last resort, should take into consideration the practical side of the situation despite the fact that there is no solid foundation for any of the estimation criteria mentioned earlier. Moreover estimation is not a very strong option during the time of late visibility since the sign is still visible. So we should pray Isha at the closest time to its legal time which starts very late provided that we do not cross midnight. The basis for this is the principle in Islam established by the Qur ’anic verse, “fear Allah as much as you can.” Also, by doing so, we are meeting the Shari’a aim of distributing the prayers over the day and night.

3) A related point to this is a situation where a person has the choice to join either of two congregational prayers: one praying late and the other praying early. In this case this person should join the prayer that is taking place very close to the actual legal start of Isha time, provided that it does not cross midnight, unless there is a harm that arises from doing this. An example of this harm is a split occurring between the Muslims praying in that Mosque.

Fajr time
Another major problem occurs during summer time especially when the twilight does not disappear is determining the beginning of Fajr prayer. This is due to the fact that the continued presence of the twilight makes it impossible to determine the appearance of the white colour of the Fajr or we might even say that there is no start for Fajr. In this case what should be done? Again this is a mater of disagreement between the scholars. The previous opinions and justifications mentioned earlier when we discussed the start of Isha time are also apply here which makes it a matter of valid Ijtihad. To conclude we advice people who cannot join the congregational Fajr prayer to pray Fajr one and half hour before sunrise. Any time around that may be acceptable. Many Muslims ask if they can pray Fajr at times such as 1:15 am since many Islamic calendars show that Fajr time enters at that time in many European countries (England is one example). The answer for this is we should pray at a time that is most likely part of the legal time. We should avoid praying and performing our ibadah on a doubtful time. The prophet (SAW)said: leave what is doubtful for that which is not doubtful. There is no question about the doubtful start of Fajr at 1:15 am or so. So we should delay Fajr to a time where we are most likely sure that the time has definitely started. A good time for that is 1 ½ or 2 hours before sunrise. Another reason for that is the aim of the Shari’a in distributing the prayers over the day and night. Also the Shari’a seeks to establish prayer during the beginning, middle and end of the day. Allah says in the Quran [17:78] Perform As-Salat from duluk al shamas (midday till the darkness of the night, and recite the Qur’an in the early dawn. Verily, the recitation of the Qur’an in the early dawn is ever witnessed). The manner in which the Shari’a legalised combining two prayers give us a clear indication that there are five times in normal situations and three times for abnormal situations. These are: just after the end of the night and sleep period and just before the start of the day, at midday and the third one is the one performed just after the end of the day and in the beginning of the night. However, if other factors are involved we should exercise a degree of flexibility since the matter is an issue of valid ijtihad. A critical factor in this regard is unity, what leads to it and to remove any form of fitnah.

Maghrib time
Magrib time starts after sunset and ends when the twilight disappears according numerous prophetic traditions. This conclusion is what the scholars have agreed upon unanimously. We have mentioned earlier that scholars differ on the end of the visibility of twilight. As a result we can conclude that they differ on the Maghrib prayer. According to some scholars and astronomers Maghrib time ends just before midnight as twilight disappears at that time. Moreover, can some one say that Magrib time ends before Fajr time or even after Fajr since twilight ends at that time? The answer is of course no since it is against the meaning of the time allocated for Magrib, it will lead to changing the order of prayers and it will lead to combining Magrib, Isha and Fajr which is completely unacceptable. So when shall we pray Magrib in these situations? The answer is very simple and can be extracted from the hadith narrated by al-Tirmidhi through Ibn Abbas that the angel Jibreel led the prophet (SAW)to teach him the prayer times. On the first day he prayed all the prayers at the beginning of their respective times and on the second day he delayed the prayers until just before the end of their times for all prayers except Magrib where he instead prayed it on both days at the same time. This hadith explains the other hadith that shows that the Magrib time continues until the disappearance of twilight and it is a clear indication that the time of Magrib is very limited. That is why the Hanafi school of thought normally prays Magrib immediately after sunset. Moreover, a deep reflection upon Quaranic verses and prophetic traditions shows us that the daily prayers are distributed over five different times in normal situations and three times in abnormal situations. As a result we should pray Magrib just after the sunset and should not delay it for more than an hour after sunset. Other guidelines provided earlier should be applied here as well.

We have explored the main opinions about performing Isha, Fajr and Maghrib prayers in countries located in extreme latitudes. We have seen that all of these opinions are justified by valid proofs and at the same time they are not free from valid criticism. Consequently, this existent difference of opinions which is supported by authentic evidences places this matter into the realm of valid ijtihad. In consideration of this fact, Muslims facing this situation should apply a certain degree of flexibility when dealing with other Muslims who hold different opinions as a result of valid ijtihad in this regard especially when dealing in an inappropriate manner may lead to fitnah, a split, disunity or extreme hardship. I also advise Muslims to pray on time whenever possible. In situations of extreme hardship or invisibility of the legal signs for the start of any prayer, they should join the congregation in their localities unless they are excused from doing so such as the elderly or sick men, women, young children or very remote individuals. In this case they should strive to perform their prayers in a way very similar to the aim of the Shari’a in distributing the five prayers thought the day and night.


1. There is a common misconception about the term midnight from an Islamic perspective. Many people think that it starts at 12:00 am while the correct time of midnight should be allocated by finding out the length of the night then adding half of it to the sunset –maghrib- time. The length of the night can be calculated by finding the length between magrib and fajr. Thus, midnight in this sense actually does mean the middle of the night
2. As we have said before, astronomers differ in determining this time. This information cited here is based on Central London Mosque who in turn base their information on the data given to them by Greenwich Observatory.
3. You might refer to Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim for various narrations for this practice.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Ubuntu Sabily, used to be known Ubuntu Muslim Edition (ME)

salam alaikum,


kawan, great news for muslims,

we have made a break through in our effort to islamise every single thing in our life.

delightedly, we have got new ubuntu edition for muslim!!

i am at the moment using it... boycotting the many problems that i have had with the monopsonistic windows vista original ...

i strongly recommend you to make the switch as well.... you need some time to get used to it... but for me, its my second day now, and i'm loving it!

i hope that the progress of this islamisation will be as rapid as possible.

i see that the rise of our ummah is coming soon...

insyaAllah may allah reward us all.

to download ubuntu sabily...
u can download the basic package first at

then upgrade to sabily in which the instruction can be found at:

all the best :)

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Are you Living Islam?

dipetik dari

The Muslim Ummah at the present moment is beset with problems. Muslims all over the world are suffering and dying , suffering under the oppression of tyrants and despots. Their blood is being spilled and their honour despoiled. Our mothers are crying, weeping at the death of their children. And throughout the globe the leaders of Muslim countries stand by and do nothing. We have no leadership.

The Khilafah is destroyed and all that is left are kings and tyrants, each country only concerned with itself and oblivious to the plight of their brothers. What has happened to the unity of Islam? Where is the strength of our Ummah? The situation is hopeless. The odds are insurmountable and the obstacles too huge to overcome. Our enemies are too powerful and our strength too weak. What can one person do to change all of this? How can one individual hope to change the world? This is what the Shaitaan whispers to us, seeking to overwhelm us with despair. So he succeeds in this and we become inert and inactive. We become convinced that there is nothing we can do and so we simply wait: we wait for the arrival of the Mahdi and when he comes he will relieve us of all our problems. This is delusion ya akhi! And it is a deception to which many of us have seemingly fallen prey. Without a doubt, we believe in the coming of the Mahdi, but we cannot rely on him to solve our problems. Imagine if Salahudin al-Ayyubi had had that attitude: do you think al-Quds would ever have been liberated then?

There is something we can do, and this is what it is. We need to begin with our own selves. Our approach should not be to start from the top and try to solve all the world’s problems, but we should start from the bottom, with ourselves. All of us, me and you, need to start living Islam. This is all that it is. Islam should dominate our day-to-day existence and it should guide all aspects of our lives. We should not push it to the periphery and only choose to follow those injunctions which are convenient for us. We need to regain that spirit of Islam which the Companions (ra) had - that spirit of earnestness and sacrifice. We need to combat our sins and rectify our bad behaviour. We need to surrender, completely and wholly, to the will of Allah (swt). We need to follow the way of His beloved, Muhammad (saw). If we want to fix the world we must first fix ourselves. And how do we achieve this? By fixing our hearts. The Prophet (saw) said: “Alaa inna fil jasadi mudghah. Idhaa saluhat saluha jasadu kulluh, wa idhaa fasadat fasada jasadu kulluh. Alaa wa hiya al-qalb - Verily in the body there is a piece of flesh. If it is sound the entire body is sound but if it is corrupted the entire body is corrupted: behold, it is the heart!” Does this mean then that we if just exercise and eat healthily then we will have achieved this? Of course not. The heart here does not refer to the physical organ but to the spiritual heart. And we need to purify our hearts from all spiritual diseases. This is what the hadith is saying. If our heart is diseased with anger, with lust, with envy, with hatred, with greed, with all evil qualities, then our entire body will be corrupt. But if our hearts are sound then all of us will be sound. So we need to behave as Rasulullah (saw) behaved. This is how we purify our hearts and this is what it all comes down to. He (saw) said: “Innama bu’ithtu li utammima makaarima al-aklaq - I have not been sent except to perfect the standards of good character.” He was the best human being in terms of behaviour and we must follow him in this regard. This is why he was sent!

So we first begin by rectifying ourselves. And Allah (swt) says: “Innallaha laa yughayyiru maa bi qawmin hattaa yughayyiroo maa bi anfusihim - Verily Allah does not change the condition of a people until the change what is within themselves. (al-Ra’d: 11)” Thereafter we work on our families by educating and advising them, then our society by getting involved in community upliftment projects, then our country by working to establish justice and eradicate evil, and then the rest of the world. If we are sound practicing Muslims then our families should be too. If our families are sound then our communities will be sound. And if our communities are sound then the larger world will be too. All of these things need to be worked on concurrently. One cannot just focus on himself and forget about his family, saying that he will first rectify himself completely before turning to them. Because the purification of the soul is an ongoing process which will never end. And one cannot also only concern himself with just his family and forget about the rest of society. Each area needs to be dealt with but we should first start with our own selves.

So leave off sinning and return to obedience. Stop indulging in the haram and partake of the halal. Abandon the ways of West, of popstars and celebrities and follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saw). Command that which is good and forbid that which is evil. Seek forgiveness for your sins and turn back to Allah (swt) in repentance. Cast aside nationalism, this cancer which is destroying us as a nation, as an Ummah, and go back to the universal brotherhood of Islam. Live Islam! And fear Allah, fear your Lord Most High, for indeed He has said:

The earth belongs to Allah. He gives it as inheritance to whomever He wills of His slaves. And the successful outcome is for those who have taqwa.

(al-A’raf: 128 )


I say this to myself first of all. And with Allah is Success.


by the_middle_road

Spirit and Wine Vinegar

السلام عليكم,

Hope all of you in the best of imaan. Just would like to share about a fatwa i founnd about spirit/wine vinegar that we can come across in restaurants in Uk especial in our sauces sachets.

got them from the web site:

may Allah reward us all for our effort.

The European Council for Fatwa and Research Resolution 7/4
The ruling of Vinegar manufactured from alcohol (
pg 54

[council members = (]

Fatwa (30)

The ruling of Vinegar manufactured from alcohol

The Council ruled that if alcohol naturally becomes vinegar then it is Halal and pure(Tahir), by virtue of the consensus of scholars. However, scholars differed regardingif it became vinegar as a result of deliberate processing and treatment, such as adding salt, bread or a particular chemical. Some said that it is pure and may be used as it has completely transformed from the original state of being alcohol. Others said that it does not become pure and may not be used, because we are commanded to stay away from alcohol. Having considered both opinions, the European Council for Fatwa and concluded that the first opinion which states that vinegar made deliberately from alcohol is pure and may be used, is correct.

This is because acetification, i.e.making something into a vinegar, removes the element which makes alcohol principally haram, namely; intoxication, and thus becomes permissible, particularly that there are many benefits to be gained from vinegar such as medicine, food and others. It is important to note that any ruling is entirely bound by the reason and wisdom and in the case of vinegar, we realise that the element of intoxication has been completely eliminated.

This is affirmed by the hadith of the Prophet Mohammed (ppbuh): "What a good seasoning vinegar is"47, without specifying the kind or type of vinegar. We also note that the Prophet (ppbuh) did not order us to seek the origin of the vinegar nor to make any enquiries in that respect. As for the statements whichstate the prohibition of acetification, these are to demonstrate the firm position ofIslam in regards with alcohol itself, so that no one becomes complacent in this regard.

[Resolution 7/4]
47 Narrated by Muslim (No.2051), Al-Tirmizi (No.1840) and Ibn Maja (No.3316) from the hadith of Aisha. Muslim also narrated the hadith (No.2052) as did Abu Dawood (No.3821), Al-Tirmizi (No.1842), Al-Nasa’i (No.3796) and Ibn Maja (No.3317) from the hadith of Jaber ibn Abdullah.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Prof Latip datang ke Notts!

السلام عليكم,

i hope all of u in best imaan and health.

delightedly, prof latiff is coming to notts!!

this friday, 17hb after jumaah prayer around 2pm in c41 portland building!

dont miss this opportunity to learn from a figure like him... he has done a real lot for our ummah.

among of which:
ex-president of IMAM
dean of cyberjaya (islamic medical) university
among those brave drs who went to falaSTin during the zionist attack.
and many2 other for-ummah efforts.

so again, make sure u be around for the event.

tentatively, he will give a motivation boost for all of us. we could also ask him any questions after that.

both medic and non-medic are most welcomed!

do pls spread the news.


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Sapa kata negara islam x sesuai untuk non muslim?

Saya bukanlah ahli rasmi kepada mana2 parti politik... tapi komen berikut menarek perhatian saya:

sumber :

written by wolf, March 30, 2009 21:23:24

I'm a chinese buddhist and I used to fear PAS but not anymore. Not since the advent of internet where news other than msm propaganda leaks out.

Just 2 weeks ago 1 of my colleague's daughter got beaten up by robbers in the morning. Imagine, 2 burly animals beating up a defenceless 15 year old girl.

Her crime? Running away when she saw them coz they were carrying parang. They were shouting at her 'Lari ha! Lari lah! Berani ko lari!' She was punched in the stomach and got her head bashed open and need stitches. Luckily her skull was not cracked. They moved away- yes moved away!- after they were satisfied beating her up. There were a few other passerbys but they were unable to help coz the 2 animals were waving the parang at them.

Times like these one really wish hudud is enforced. Grab that 2 f*****s and chop off their arms and I'll be at the site cheering on!

moga2an hari di mana islam dapat ditegakkan kembali di muka bumi ini semula tidak lama!

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Tulisan Rerumi - Versi 2 - Integrasi tulisan Arab-Jawi-Rumi

Jom kita integrasikan tulisan Jawi/Arab dengan tulisan Rumi

السلام عليكم kawan2,

tadi saya terdapat ilham cara bagaimana untuk mengintegrasi ke2 2 tulisan di atas dengan effisien...

moga allah memberkati usha kita.

klik imej untuk lihat dengan lebih jelas,


Friday, 13 March 2009

Islamic Bank of Britain

السلام عليكم,


Let us all transfer the bulk of our money to Islamic Bank of Britain.

I think this is step no 1 for us to revolutionise ourself toward an islamic economy.

Even though i myself not quite agree with some of the concept like it is still using fiat money instead of asset money, stuff like that etc2.... but i think this is the closest to the islamic economy that we have today...

visit now to open up an investment account (based on the principle of profit and loss).

Also i would like to remind you all that the conventional banking is obviously haram as interest is its foundation. I'm sure many of you know that God condemns those who take and give interest. The sin is overwhelming!

Boycott conventional bank!

May Islam the way of life for humankind prosper again, God willing.

May God bless us all our effort.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Jom Kita promote duit Asset!

السلام عليكم,


I know i am not an economist, but i think i am obliged still to spread the beauty of Asset money which is in line with Islamic finance concept that promote honesty in everything that we do.

The advantage of asset money as opposed to fiat money

-money is reverted to its original concept which is as a representative of an asset
-at the time of Rasulullah saw, money such as dinar for gold and dirham for silver are used.
-similar concept can be applied
-eg: 1 dinar equal to 1 g of gold
1 dirham equal to 1 g of silver
100 dirham equal to 1 dinar eg

-this money will be accepted all over the world!
-this is because assets like gold and silver are well accepted all over the world!
-look at iraq, the money used to be of high value, but when it was attacked by the bloodthirsty us, the money was of no value anymore. but with asset money, the money is valid to be used at all time at all places.
-the concept of FOREX is irrelevant now... there would be no more cases of currency deception as in the case of george soros for eg.
-In FOREX money is traded between money! if the money is really based on the same asset, this transaction shouldnt have occured in the first place.
-the oppressing concept of riba'(interest) in today's world will be very apparent if you understand the concept of asset vs fiat money.

-the effort is still not comprehensive.
-education about this matter is still poor.

I am pretty sure, that there are many2 more advantages or maybe even disadvantages that must be looked at.

But thats why we have to keep on educating ourselves about this matter.

Do not be ignorant (jahiliyyah). Find time, maybe we can all forego anything which is deemed not benefiting for the ummah or mankind, and start educating ourself to be better and hence making the whole world to be a better place for everyone.

I am optimistic that there will be a revival of the asset money if we all stick together to fight against the apparent deception of fiat money in our lives today.

May god reward us all for our effort.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Isu Mansuhkan PPSMI

Salam alaikum kengkawan,

Sekali lagi Malaysia dikecohkan dengan isu PPSMI. Kali ini, ia memuncak tatkala lebih kurang 5-8 ribu orang berdemonstrasi mengecam PPSMI. Sepatutnya bilangan itu di tambah satu lagi sekiranya saya ada di Malaysia.

Sesungguhnya pelbagai macam isu2 yang melanda Malaysia sekarang.

Kalau Tun Mahathir katanya sebab pemimpin negara lemah.

Balas pemimpin negara pula, rakyat Malaysia telah menikmati byk kebebasan bersuara ketika pimpinannya.

Hmmmm.. bagi saya, dua2 ada benarnya.

Malaysia, sebagai sebuah negara berbilang kaum memerlukan pimpinan yang teliti untuk memastikan setiap kebajikan rakyat terpelihara.

Ini tidak, lihatlah kes PPSMI, dok berdolak sini dalik sana. Manalah rakyat tak puas hati. Begitu juga isu2 yang lain! Pemimpin2 negara perlulah menjalankan kerja masing2 dengan berkesan.

Dalam kes PPSMI misalnya, saya berpendapat ianya harus dimansuhkan dengan segera kerana ia menghakis penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan.

Tidak dinafikan bahasa Inggeris penting dalam ilmu sains dan teknologi. Ini disebabkan banyak karya2 ilmiah ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang mantap dapat memudahkan pemahaman kita kepada hasil karya2 tersebut.

Tetapi ia tidak bermakna bahasa kebangsaan harus diketepikan.

Hal ini kerana, bahasa melayu juga mempunyai kelebihannya yang tersendiri dan lebih praktikal untuk digunakan di Malaysia.

Misalnya dalam bidang perubatan, pengunaan istilah melayu seperti tongkat ali, kacip fatimah; nama2 penyaket seperti kayap, kudis dan sebagainya lebih mesra kepada penduduk malaysia daripada long jack, shingles dan sebagainya.

Dengan ada penggunaan bahasa melayu ini menunjukkan adanya kajian oleh penduduk malaysia sendiri dan tidak hanya ambil bulat2 sahaja daripada karya2 barat!

Nak guna ilmu tu kenela terjemah dan amalkan di negara sendiri untuk memastikan ianya betul2 ilmu yang praktikal. Bukan main ambil macam itu saja. Itu 'plagiarism' atau meniru! Dan perbuatan ini selalunya dibuat oleh orang yang malas!

Kita tak mahu menjadi begitu!

Pengajaran sudah tentu menjadi lebih menarek tatkala guru sendiri dapat berkomunikasi dengan murid dengan berkesan.

Maka, ingin saya ulang balek pendapat saya iaitu bahasa melayu dan bahasa inggeris harus digunakan dengan seiiringan. Dalam era globalisasi kini rakyat Malaysia harus memahirkan diri dalam ilmu dalam kedua2 bahasa tersebut.

Kita tidak boleh mengkehendaki semua rakyat malaysia 'speaking' sampaikan orang british pon kalah. Memang bagus kalau boleh. Tetapi cukupnya sistem pendidikan kebangsaan mendedahkan pengunaan sains dan matematik dalam bahasa ingeris dalam kadar yang sesuai pada masa yang sama melettakkan bahasa melayu sebagai pengantar yang utama.

Jika betul2 nak cakap Inggeris sampai orang british ppon kalah, lanjutkanlah sendiri pelajaran ke luar negri (jangan lupa buat kos IB kat banting dulu :D)

Malah bahasa lain juga tidak harus diketepikan. Ini kerana setiap bahasa ada peranan masing. Misalnya, Bahasa Arab utk pengajaran agama. Bahasa Cina, India di samping bahasa ibunda utk sebilangan rakyat, dapat digunakan untuk dagangan dengan negara di Asia Timur atau Selatan.

Moga Allah berkati usha kita semua.

Sesungguhnya hidup ini semuanya patut untuk Allah semata2. Dengan itu dunia semestinya akan jadi aman tenteram!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Isu Penggunaan Nama Allah

Salam Alaikum,

Sorri kene type cpt, kelas lg 15min,

Baru2 ni timbul ttg isu penggunaan nama Allah. Dan ikut sumber utusan, ianya telah dibenarkan untuk penganut agama kristian. (

Berikut pendapat saya:
a) Kita tak boleh paksa orang tak boleh guna itu atau ni. Apa yang kita boleh buat ialah tidak mengiktiraf penggunaannya.
b) Saya rasa definisi Allah oleh Kristian sekarang berbeza dengan Kristian awal yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Isa.
c) Konsep Allah dalam Islam yang diturunkan kepada semua Nabi dan diwarta dalam Surah al-Ikhlas : Katakan, Tuhan itu Satu!.....

moga Allah memberkati usha kita iA.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Concept of Islamic Banking from my perspective

Islamic Banking from my Understanding
Atiq Hamid

I have attended 2 talks organised by Islamic Society of Notts Uni and one by Notts Malaysian Community and have come out with the following based on my opinion.


Asset monet vs Fiat money

-money is just a representative of asset
-money in itself does not have any value of asset

-in today conventional system, money has been manipulated for many many years by the conventional banking operators who have been entrusted to mint/produce money.
for eg: £5 note would read: i promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ‘Five Pound’
-it no longer says eg: i promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ‘Five mg of Gold ’ or ‘Five g of Silver’ or anything that say the money is a representative of asset.
-i would challenge the central banks of all the world to declare the amount of money in circulation with the amount of asset ie gold, silver that they have, so that other can actually see the represented value of the money.

-in essence, money must represent an asset, to avoid any ambiguity and any dishonesty of printing money for the sake of generating money not backed up with any asset (this money is called fiat money)

-most importantly, we must demand our government to revert to the original concept of money as a representative of asset and to punish those who have been found guilty of generating fiat money (hopefully the government itself is not being guilty in this!)

Keeping your money in a safe place

In Islam, I think there are two ways to achieve the above:

A) Savings
You let the bank keep your money. But remember, the purpose of this saving is just to safeguard the money. By not any means should the bank use it for any investment purpose. The bank is entrusted to keep the money and allows the owner to take it whenever he or she wishes. And the bank will do just that!
-As a token for the service, the bank can charge the owner for safe guarding the money.

B) Investment
-If you want to earn more money, you can invest. This is the beauty of Islamic Finance guided by god. It does not allow us to let the money grow by itself as in conventional banking. This is riba. Money generating fiat money. HARAM.
-To earn more money requires trade between goods or services ie business which have risks. Hence, the money you invest is subjected to profit, loss or stalemate.
-The outcome of the investment will be distributed between the bank, the owner of the money and the person(s) conducting the business according to the proportion agreed initially.
-the bank must monitor the progress of the business to ensure an honest transaction avoiding any attempt of not reporting the actual profit.

Loan/Mortgage to buy cars and houses.

To me, to be on the safe side i don’t like to promote loans or mortgage.

In my opinion as follow:

• Loans will promote you to buys things which you can’t afford to. Eg: brand new car, a new bungalow.

• By avoiding loans, you only spend what you need or what you can afford to. Now people will turn to 2nd hand cars, smaller houses, and progressively turn into a better ones once they can afford to.

• This will reduce the overall excessive, waste demand (DD) in the market, causing the price of overall goods to fall.

• I strongly think that the current loans and mortgage the cause of goods to be expensive these days.

Zakat (obligatory charity)

Compulsory for muslim!!
To help the real needy.
eg: someone which has been struck with disaster like tsunami and such, the most poor and such

Sadaqah (optional charity)

Optional but is strongly encouraged for muslims.
We must help others who are in need.
May god reward us for that.

Conclusion: Islamic finance is proven the best since it is from god. Humans must apply the Islamic finance. We must work for it. Do not linger! The more time we waste, the more sins we will got out from the current oppressive conventional system which just make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Indeed, Islam is comprehensive. There is strongly a need of a muslim state to really apply all the principle or sharia of Islam.

May god reward us for our effort!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Hati2 bila masak petai

Salam alaikum kengkawan,

Ketika saya tgh masak sambal sotong petai tadi, saya dikejutkan tatkala sedang membelah dua petai, saya dapat satu ulat yang besar di dalam biji petai itu... dari luar nampak elok saja.

Selepas itu saya belah separuh biji petai itu 3 bahagian hiris. Dan sekali lagi saya jumpa satu lagi ulat, kali ni kecil sedikit di separuh biji petai yang lain...

semestinya saya membuang terus petai yang dihuni oleh ulat tersebut...

apa yang saya nak sampaikan ialah, hati2 ketika masak petai... potong kecil2 untuk pastikan tiada ulat.. masak biar lama2 seket...

saya memang jenis yang suka makan petai mentah dengan sambal tempoyak... lepas ni insaf teros...

berhati2 ketika makan petai!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Hitler Itu Mungkin Ada Benarnya

Hitler Itu Mungkin Ada Benarnya

dipetik daripada web site Dr MAZA berlink

Disiarkan pada Jan 18, 2009 dalam kategori Tamadun |

Ketika saya menulis rencana ini (pada Hari Sabtu) saya sedang berada di Osnabruck, Jerman. Pada Hari Jumaat semalam saya memberikan ceramah ringkas di sebuah masjid di sini yang diberi nama Masjid Ibrahim. Kebanyakan ahli jemaahnya merupakan orang Arab.

Saya berucap dalam bahasa arab mengenai isu semasa umat Islam sekarang khususnya Palestin. Imamnya yang berasal dari Syria berkhutbah dengan berani dan bersemangat tentang isu Gaza. Bahkan beliau berkempen agar ahli jamaahnya menyertai demonstrasi aman membantah kekejaman yang dilakukan terhadap rakyat Palestin.

Saya melihat satu keperluan apa yang beliau kempenkan, sebab di Berlin telah dibuat demonstrasi besar menyokong tindakan Israel. Malanglah jika ada masjid di Malaysia yang tidak berani mengutuk Israel. Hari ini (Ahad) saya bercadang hendak ke Berlin untuk berjumpa dengan beberapa pihak.

Ini adalah kali pertama saya sampai ke Jerman. Semasa kecil apa yang saya tahu mengenai Jerman iaitu tenteranya di pihak yang jahat berperang melawan hero-hero Amerika. Ini semua adalah pengaruh filem ‘Combat’ semasa zaman tersebut.

Oleh kerana Amerika yang menerbitkan siri ‘Combat’ tersebut, maka digambarkan merekalah di pihak yang benar dan Jerman di pihak yang jahat. Alasan kejahatan tidak diketahui melainkan kerana hero yang ditabalkan berada di pihak tentera Amerika.

Demikianlah cara sesebuah filem mempengaruhi minda manusia, terutama kanak-kanak. Apabila masuk ke sekolah menengah serta terdedah kepada bahan bacaan yang berbagai, nama Adolf Hitler dan puak ‘Nazi’nya agak sinonim dengan Jerman di lintasan minda setiap kali perkataan Jerman itu disebut. Selain itu, tidak banyak maklumat tambahan tentang Jerman yang saya baca.

Sebelum saya sampai ke Jerman, seminggu lepas saya menghabiskan buku yang ditulis oleh Seymour Rossel yang bertajuk The Holocaust. Sebagai Yahudi, beliau memang membela Yahudi dan mengutuk Hitler habis-habisan. Beliau mengutip maklumat daripada Encyclopedia Judia mendakwa bahawa Nazi telah membunuh sebanyak 5,820,960 Yahudi terutama Yahudi Poland dan Rusia.

Saya tidak pasti sejauh manakah benar angka tersebut. Tapi yang pasti memang Hitler ialah seorang diktator yang sangat kejam. Membunuh dengan zalimnya bukan sahaja Yahudi, tetapi juga sesiapa sahaja yang menentangnya. Cara pembunuhannya juga begitu sistematik bagaikan kilang perusahaan yang teratur. Kekejaman itu tidak dapat diterima oleh sesiapa pun. Di Jerman sehingga hari ini kekejaman itu dikutuk oleh rakyat negaranya.

Namun, di samping kekejaman yang disandarkan kepada Adolf Hitler, persoalan yang patut ditanya, mengapakah kempen Adolf Hitler bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa yang bahaya, telah merosak dan mengancam Jerman, mendapat sambutan ketika itu?

Ketika Hitler baru cuba muncul dalam politik Jerman pada tahun 1919, walaupun beliau seorang pemidato yang baik, beliau belum terkenal dan hanya beberapa orang sahaja yang hadir mendengar ucapannya. Namun selepas itu, apabila beliau membangkitkan dalam ucapan-ucapannya isu anti-semitic atau anti Yahudi, rakyat Jerman mula membanjiri ucapannya dan menyokong gerakannya membenci Yahudi.

Apabila Hitler dipenjarakan pada tahun 1923 selama sembilan bulan, beliau menulis bukunya yang terkenal Mein Kampf. Sejak awal penulisan buku tersebut, Hitler menegaskan bahawa penderitaan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Jerman yang ketika itu adalah berpunca dari kejahatan Yahudi. Perasaan kebencian terhadap Yahudi dihidupkan dalam buku tersebut.

Sebenarnya, Hitler bukanlah orang memulakan kepercayaan bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa perosak. Pada 1542, pemimpin agung Prostestan Jerman, Martin Luther telah menulis tentang pembohongan dan kemerbahayaan Yahudi dalam bukunya Against The Jews And Their Lies. Pada kurun yang ke-14, Sepanyol dan Portugal memaksa masyarakat Yahudi hidup secara terpisah dari bukan Yahudi.

Pada 1516, di Venice, Itali, pihak Gereja Katholik memerintah agar dibina tembok mengelilingi penempatan Yahudi yang dinamakan dengan Ghetto. Yahudi tidak benarkan keluar pada waktu malam sehingga menjelang fajar. Masyarakat awam Kristian ketika itu percaya bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa yang jahat dan beramal dengan ilmu hitam.

Pembinaan ghetto kemudiannya telah berkembang ke seluruh Eropah. Maka Yahudi Eropah dikepung disebalik tembok ghetto, atau pekan-pekan khas hanya untuk mereka. Mengapakah masyarakat Eropah ketika itu bersepakat mempercayai Yahudi adalah kaum yang jahat? Jawapannya, samada kepercayaan itu adalah khurafat, atau mereka mempunyai asas pengalaman dengan Bangsa Yahudi. Jikalau jawapannya yang pertama, Yahudi adalah memang bangsa yang teraniaya.

Jika jawapannya, Yahudi memang dalam sejarahnya telah merosakkan kehidupan manusia sehingga menjadi ketakutan kepada masyarakat Eropah, tindakan kejam atau rakus Adolf Hitler, sekalipun kejam dan tidak dapat diterima, namun ia secara tidak langsung mengurangkan jumlah kemerbahayaan Yahudi kepada masyarakat Eropah khususnya dan dunia amnya.

Apapun ceritanya, kesangsian pihak pihak Gereja Kristian telah lama berakar umbi, sehinggalah Yahudi kembali menipu Eropah pada hari ini. Lalu undang-undang Anti-Semitic dikuatkuasakan di Eropah, maka bangsa Yahudi mendapat kekebalannya di sini, terutama di Jerman ini.

Jika lihat dalam sejarah Islam, di samping menyedari tentang tabiat Yahudi, namun Islam tidak pernah menghukum mereka hanya kerana mereka Yahudi, tetapi menghukum berdasarkan tindakan mereka. Nabi s.a.w pernah mengizinkan mereka terus menetap di Khaibar yang subur. Namun mereka khianat, merancang dengan pihak musuh untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Nabi s.a.w. Maka mereka pun diusir.

Pada zaman Khalifah ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, beliau telah memberikan kepada Yahudi penempatan dan keamanan di Alia, Palestin. Kebebasan beragama dan hidup diberikan dengan jelas serta termaktub dalam pengistiharan khalifah agung tersebut. Namun, seperti biasa, Yahudi terus khianat.

Sejarah pengkhianatan Yahudi bukan bermula sejak kemunculan pemikiran zionisme, tetapi sejak lama dahulu. Sejak kisah mereka dengan para nabi yang mengalami berbagai tragedi disebabkan kerenah mereka. Pun begitu, Islam tidaklah pula menghukum secara ‘borong’ dengan menyatakan setiap individu yahudi itu jahat.

Bahkan dalam sirah Nabi s.a.w, isteri baginda Safiyyah binti Huyyai merupakan anak ketua Kabilah Yahudi Bani Quraizah. Ada sahabah yang mulia bernama ‘Abd Allah bin Salam. Beliau seorang yahudi, bahkan tokoh agamawan besar Yahudi. Beliau menganut Islam dan amat dihormati. Islam amat adil dalam menilai, tidak ditanggung dosa orang lain atas bahu orang lain.

Maka walaupun secara umumnya, rekod Yahudi memanglah buruk, namun ini tidak menafikan kemungkinan adanya mereka yang baik di kalangan Yahudi. Tetapi rekod Yahudi secara umum, memanglah buruk.

Ini diakui oleh Abd Allah bin Salam sendiri ketika beliau menganut Islam. Katanya:

“Wahai Rasulullah! Kaum Yahudi adalah puak yang paling kuat berdusta. Mereka jika tahu aku menganut Islam mereka akan menuduhku bukan-bukan. Sembunyikanlah aku di sisi engkau dan hantarlah orang bertanya pendapat mereka mengenaiku”. Maka Rasulullah pun menyembunyikannya dan menghantar orang memanggil golongan Yahudi lalu mereka pun datang. Rasulullah s.a.w bertanya mereka: “Apakah kedudukan Abdullah bin Salam pada pandangan kamu?” Jawab mereka: “Dia orang yang terbaik di kalangan kami, anak orang terbaik. Pemimpin kami, anak pemimpin kami. Ulama kami, anak ulama kami”. Sabda Rasulullah: “Apakah jika dia menganut Islam, kamu akan turut menganut Islam?”. Jawab mereka: “Allah lindunginya dari perkara tersebut”. Sabda Rasulullah: “Wahai Abdulullah bin Salam, keluar dan beritahulah kepada mereka”. Abdullah bin Salam pun keluar dan berkata: “Aku menyaksikan bahawa tiada ilah melainkan Allah dan Muhammad Rasulullah”. Lantas mereka berkata: “Dia orang yang paling jahat di kalangan kami, anak orang yang paling jahat. Orang yang paling jahil di kalangan kami dan anak orang paling jahil”. Kata Abdullah bin Salam: “Aku telah beritahu wahai Rasulullah! Bahawa Yahudi adalah kaum yang kuat berdusta”. (Riwayat Ahmad dan al-Bukhari).

Kita bukan anti kaum tertentu, atau anti-semitic secara membabi buta seperti Hitler atau masyarakat Eropah dahulu. Namun jika kita melihat Yahudi Israel hari ini mengkhianati perjanjian atau bersikap jahat, itu bukanlah perkara baru dan pelik untuk mereka kerjakan. Kepercayaan Hitler itu, mungkin ada benarnya..

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Sambal petai, tempe goreng la lepas ni :D

Semekom kengkawan,

I baru dapat berita tentang kedai cina yg ada jual tempe, petai etc!!!!

haha, boleh buat sambal petai la camni!!!!


Kedai Cina Review

#1 Man Li Oriental Supermarket, 49 Union Road, The Glasshouse, Nottingham.
Location: 2**
rather hard to find. walk along Aldi (city centre) supermarket, towards the exit. It is located next to a crepe cafe.
some exotic and very local food such as petai, tempeh and specialty pastry/biscuits available
All products are well arranged at Man Li Chinese Supermarket. They also gives a 10% student discount for almost all purchases. For most South East Asia spices and ingredients you will be able to find it at Man Li especially given that the boss of Man Li comes from Malaysia. Plus, if you buy more than £20, you are entitled to free delivery to your doorsteps. Man Li has personalised, and friendly service which you seldom do experience with other oriental/chinese mart. 'Chinese-style' cakes(to order), pastries, breads and buns are available too!

#2 Oriental Mart, 6-8 Heathcote St. Hockley, Nottingham City Centre, NG1 3AA (previously Hanson Chinese Supermarket)
Location: 3*** (next to Ice Nine in Hockley)
Products: 3***
have a range of products but not well displayed/ arranged. Easier seen on their website.
Staff: 1*

#3 Asiana Hypermarket, 108 Woodborough Road, City Centre, Nottingham, NG3 1AR
Location: 2**
area can be rather dodgy, female students are advised not to walk there alone
Products: 3***
have a range of products, suitable for businesses as they specialise in selling products in bulk. However, do check carefully the products you want to purchase. Often, expired items are still left on shelf.
Staff: 2**

#4 Fresh Asia, 129A High Rd, Beeston, NG9 2LH
Location: 3***
just at the corner of High Rd, there's a bus stop right in front of the shop
convenient for students living at Beeston
Products: 2**
Staff: 2**
No student discounts. Credit card accepted only with a minimum purchase of £10

Posted by BILLY at 13:17
Labels: Food, Review, Supermarket

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Isu Perak

Salam alaikum kengkawan,

hmmm, beberapa hari yang lepas, perak digegarkan tentang isu tergempar di mana kerajaan negri PR yang bermajoriti tipis digoyahkan lagi oleh 3 org ADUN yang bertindak melompat parti.

Walaupon rasa terkejut, namun ada juga rasa geli hati. Tatkala ketika Anwar Ibrahim mendakwa beberapa ahli parlimen akan mengikuti PR untuk menumbangkan kerajaan BN, di peringkat negara, maka cuak lah BN. Ada yang mencadangkan untuk mengharamkan lompat parti ini.

Lar ni, bila ahli2 PR melompat ke BN, tak pulak ada isu untuk mengharamkan pelompatan parti... PR pulak yg cuak.... ada yang saya dengar, siap mempertikaikan perjanjian x boleh lompat parti yg ditandatangani oleh setiap ahli PR....


sememangnya, isu politik di malaysia harus di tackle dengan berhikmah... sebabnya jika tidak, ia boleh menimbulkan rasa benci sesama kita lantas memecahbelahkan rakyat....

saya rasa, selepas berbincang dengan ncek pie, penyelesaian politik di msia hanya dapat dicapai, sekiranya ahli2 politik msia baik muslim atau tidak, perlu memahami dan menghayati konsep islam...

dimana dalam islam - pemimpin bermatlamatkan kebajikan ummat dan tidak sesekali untuk menggemukkan poket diri.

tentang isu lompat parti pada pendapat saya, ianya boleh dilakukan sekiranya ada proses penanya (inkuri)... mungkin majlis ulama dan tokoh boleh menyoal wakil rakyat tersebut untuk sebab munasabah untuk melompat parti. hanya alasan munasabah sahaja diterima dan sekiranya terdalam unsur politik wang, hukuman sewajarnya bolehlah di ambil.

begitulah indahnya konsep islam yang sungguh lengkap untuk semua,

bak kata ismail patel - the western fall with religion, while the muslims fall without religion....

sama2 kita tegakkan islam tercinta....

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Halalan Toyyiba

Mari2, kita merenung sejenak konsep Halalan Toyyibah.

Tatkala ketika membeli-belah di kedai runcit, konsep halalan toyyibah boleh ditelitikan.

Sudah pasti kita semua akan mensasarkan barangan produk yang halal mengikut hukum syarak....

namun konsep toyyibah juga sebenarnya penting untuk memastikan ia benar2 yang terbaik.

Misalnya, daging yang halal tidak semestinya toyyibah sekiranya ia tidak segar ataupun orang yang menjualnya menjualnya dengan harga promosi yang mengelirukan. Semestinya yang toyyibah ialah daging yang segar bugar, harga yang berpatutan dengan promosi yang jelas, serta layanan mesra yang diberikan ketika urusan jual beli.

Begitulah indahnya konsep halalan toyyibah dalam islam. Sememangnya banyak lagi situasi2 di mana konsep ini dapat dipraktikkan iA.

sama2 kita menuju ke arah konsep Halalan Toyyibah!

Kalaulah aku mati esok hari

Kalaulah aku mati esok hari,

betapakah ruginya diriku ini,
masakan tidak,
byk lagi amal ibadat yg ingin ku perbuat,
sempatkah lagi aku berjihad di jalan Allah?
cukupkah sudah amal ibadat ku utk ganjaran syurga?
apakah yg akan jadi kepada umat kami?
sudahkah Islam itu dipertegakkan setegak mungkin?
dapatkan kebatilan ditidakkan setidak mungkin?

Kalaulah aku mati esok hari,

Aku terima sekiranya itulah ketentuan ilahi,
Dan semestinya kan aku hargai setiap saat yang ada,
utk mempertingkatkan amal setingkat mungkin,
seolah2 kudratku seribu tahun lagi.

Ya Rabbi, Tuhanku, Tuhan Kami yang Esa,
Tolonglah kami dalam menegakkan kebenaran,
Di muka bumi ini ya Allah ya Karim.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Let's fight the zionists!!! Lets mobilise our army!

Dear friends,

I couldnt bear with the atrocity of the zionists any longer... i really cant just sit and watch and demo etc.... we need to take action now:

send our armies to the palestine!

let us petition our government to so that they will send their army to fight against the zionist!!

this is the link

tq on behalf of the palestinians and the concern humankind alike

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Bicara Politik tatkalan nak nyiapkan dissertation

Salam alaikum kengkawa,

Baru balik dr demo utk gaza di notts city.... balek dpt berita tentang kemenangan PAS dalam PKR KT.

Saya ucapkan syabas kepada beliau dan kepada parti bn jgn berputus asa.... kerana sesungguhnya kita semua sekeluarga, baik pas mau bn, kita adalah saudara seislam yang diwajibkan utk menegakkan islam.

alhamd, seorg rakan ada bertanya tentang pendapat saya dalam politik. meskipon saya agak sibok utk menyiapkan dissertation yg saya harap Allah dapat berkati saya menjayakannya dengan terbaik sebelum hari khamis ini, saya x keberatan utk menjawab pertanyaannya yg berkait dengan islam, kerana tanggungjawab kita bukan sahaja belajar ke arah islam tp juga menyampaikan.

juga sesapa yang ign bertanya kepada saya berkenaan pendapat saya dalam politik mgkin mendapati yg di bawah menarik perhatian.

IMPORTANT : saya mintak maap jika menyingung sesiapa! saya manusia biasa yg x dinafikan akan melakukan kesilapan.(bab politik ni, unsur ni sangat penting). dan of coz saya akan cuba sedaya upaya meninggalkan apa2 yang berbau fitnah! sesungguhnya fitnah sgt dibenci dalam islam. sesungguhnya kalau ada lah saya terfitnah, saya mintak maaf dari anda dan ampunan dari Allah.

dan igtlah jgnlah kita berpolitik sampai lupa tanggungjawab kita yang jelas, bersatu ke arah tuhan yang satu. moga2an tuhan merahmati kita sentiasa atas usaha menegakkan kembali islam.

berikut merupakan perbualannya:

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HAMBA ALLAH : ko sokong ape sbnrnyer ni?
HAMBA ALLAH : or umno?
HAMBA ALLAH : PAS ....allahuakbar
Atiq Hamid: salams
Atiq Hamid: saya sokong sapa2 yg tegakkan islam
Atiq Hamid: pas dan umno ciptaan manusia
Atiq Hamid: boleh berubah2
HAMBA ALLAH : alhamdulillah
HAMBA ALLAH : PAS tegakkan islam
HAMBA ALLAH : takbir
HAMBA ALLAH : allahuakbar
Atiq Hamid: alhamd. kalau pas tegakkan islam
Atiq Hamid: alhamd juga kalau umno pon tegakkan islam
Atiq Hamid:
HAMBA ALLAH : ape contoh umno tegakkan islam....contoh yg BETUL2X umno nak tegakkan islam...sje nak mntak pndapat bro...=]
Atiq Hamid: saya x nafikan, umno skrg banyak yg silap
Atiq Hamid: saya pon x nafikan, ada juga ahli umno yg betul2 nak tegak kan islam
Atiq Hamid: saya bukan ahli politik
Atiq Hamid: saya terus terang saya tak tau sangat keadaan sebenar
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...
HAMBA ALLAH : ok....
Atiq Hamid: dan ttg, pas, tu la,kalau dia tegakkan agama Islam (though mgkin u setuju, ada juga yang berpendapat berlainan)... saya x berana nak kata sapa yang betul hakiki
Atiq Hamid: tuhan aja yang paling betul
Atiq Hamid: kepadanya lah kita rujuk
Atiq Hamid: dan itu la
Atiq Hamid: saya mintak maap x dpt komen byk
Atiq Hamid: sbb saya serius bukan ahli politik
Atiq Hamid: tak berani nak ckp siapa yg patut kita betul2 sokong
Atiq Hamid: tp apa yg saya tau
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...pemimpin pas menyeru umno supaya ditegakkan hukum hudud(utk org islam shj) dan umno menolak......yeah...mase utk kite berubah.....huku islam msti ditegakkan kan dibumi Allah....erm...=]
Atiq Hamid: dan berani nak ckp
Atiq Hamid: kita semua kena kembali kepada yang esa
HAMBA ALLAH : betul2x....
Atiq Hamid: betuk
Atiq Hamid: hukum allah mesti kene tegakkan
Atiq Hamid: tp again
Atiq Hamid: adakah, semua org umno sependapat
HAMBA ALLAH : kbali kpd allah shj boleh membantu kte utk mncari jln yg sebenarnyer2x dlm hidup ni...
Atiq Hamid: adakah boleh kita label dia tak menegakkan islam?
Atiq Hamid: wallahualam
HAMBA ALLAH : ok....kite ckp cmni....
Atiq Hamid: Hamba Allah
HAMBA ALLAH : kalo dier betul2x nak tegakkan islam....katelah seorg pemimpin umno tu merasakan yg hukum islam mmg wajib perlu ditegakkan atas bumi Allah...why not dier tak kuar umno...and join pas
Atiq Hamid: hmmmm
Atiq Hamid: soalan yg menarek
Atiq Hamid: tp tu la again
Atiq Hamid: politics is not as easy as it seems
HAMBA ALLAH : yeah...takde yg senang dlm menegakkan hukum Allah.....
Atiq Hamid: nak citer panjang kene tanya orang umno yang u ckp tu sendiri
HAMBA ALLAH : tapi...dah 50 tahun...mustahil dlm tempoh ni...smpi skrg pemimpin umno tak mau lgsg tegakkan hukum hudud...dah la dicadangkan hnya utk org islam....
HAMBA ALLAH : maka....
HAMBA ALLAH : jika smpi skrg mereka menolak..mksdnyer...diorg takde sedikit pon lgsg intention nak tegakkan hukum Allah tu
HAMBA ALLAH : pandangan peribadi ni
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...
HAMBA ALLAH : skrg ni pon
Atiq Hamid: saya paham
HAMBA ALLAH : sy msh prefer umno yg perintah ngra ni
Atiq Hamid: bukan hukum hudud sahaja, banyak lagi kes2 lain
HAMBA ALLAH : org melayu msh stabil lg dgn umno....
Atiq Hamid: hak asasi manusia dan sebagainya
HAMBA ALLAH : klo pkr-pas-and dap rule.....
HAMBA ALLAH : dap kaco la...betol tak?
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...
HAMBA ALLAH : okeh...
HAMBA ALLAH : ape kate...
HAMBA ALLAH : kalo amek contoh ngeri kelantan....
HAMBA ALLAH : sane.....
HAMBA ALLAH : org cina...gembira di bwh pemerintahan tok guru....
HAMBA ALLAH : dan.....
HAMBA ALLAH : org melayu
HAMBA ALLAH : alhamdulillah....
HAMBA ALLAH : ekonomi mereka kat sne...sngt maju....
HAMBA ALLAH : hurm...
HAMBA ALLAH : mcm mane?
Atiq Hamid: alhamd. bagus, semestinya hukum Allah hukum yang plg baik
Atiq Hamid: so kesimpulannya, hukum Allah yg kita perluu pilih
HAMBA ALLAH : erm..itupun....hukum allah msh blum dpt ditegakkan lagi kat klantan...mgkn hasil dprd keberkatan dan rahmat dr allah....
HAMBA ALLAH : yerp...
HAMBA ALLAH : ulama yg memerintah
Atiq Hamid: tetapi saya masih tidak akan berani mengatakan parti politik mana yg betul melainkan saya sendiri terlibat aktif melihat dengan kepala sendiri apa yang berlaku.... sesungguhnya sesiapa pon boleh mendakwa dia menegakkan islam.. tetapi, saya ambil stand utk berhati2 dalam bab ini
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...
Atiq Hamid: sbb saya x suka memecah belah kan sesiapa
HAMBA ALLAH : erm...
HAMBA ALLAH : yerp...trpulang kpd bro..msh terlalu awal lagi......=]
HAMBA ALLAH : tggungjwb kite
HAMBA ALLAH : yeah....
HAMBA ALLAH : study bro...
HAMBA ALLAH : ok bro...
HAMBA ALLAH : sy nak out dulu...
Atiq Hamid: betul2
HAMBA ALLAH : ade mse...
HAMBA ALLAH : bole kite berkongsi2x pndapat....
HAMBA ALLAH : assalamualaikum
Atiq Hamid: boleh
Atiq Hamid: alaikum salams