Saturday, 27 November 2010
Sajak tgh stress
Ana cukup suka tulis sajak tatkala tengah stress... La ni, sbb exam 1hb and 2hb depan ni... moga allah permudahkan....
Sajak Tatkala Stress
Tatkala stress di dunia ini,
Byk sggh setan yg suka bermain2 di kepala,
Hanya imaan penyelamat kita,
Berpegang kepada tali allah sahaja harapan kita.
O Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Satu,
Kepada mu sahaja ku pinta pertolongan,
Moga dipermudahkan jalan kami menujuMu,
O Tuhan yang maha kaya, yang maha segala2nya,
KepadaMu sahaja kejayaan dapat dicapai.
O Allah, ampunlah aku dari segala kelemahan yang ada di dalam diriku ini.
O Allah, kepada mu sahaja tempat utk kami blindung,
Permudahkanlah ya Allah,
Permudahkanlah ya Allah,
Untk kami mendekati jalan mu yang lurus,
Oh Allah Ampunikan daku,
Ampunikan aku.
Oh Allah, Tuhan yang satu,
Kepada mu sahaja kami berlindung,
Moga kami mendapat kejayaan yang haqiqi darimu ya Allah,
Tuhan yang Maha 1.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Abu Hurairah (father of little cat) in Bahrain - A break with history
just wanted to share a history on the above, from MEN AROUND THE MESSENGER, compiled by khalid muhammad khalid (downloadable at
Abu Hurairah led the life of a worshiper and fighter. He did not miss a battle or a pious deed. During the caliphate of `Umar lbn Al-Khattaab (May Allah be pleased with him), he made him governor of Bahrain. `Umar, as we know, used to call his rulers sternly to account. If he made one of them governor when he had two garments, on the day he ceased to govern, he should still own no more than those two garments, and it would be better to leave office with only one ! But if he left office with any display of wealth, he would not escape `Umar's reckoning, even if the source of his fortune was halaal. It was another world that `Umar filled with wonders and miracles.
When Abu Hurairah was made governor of Bahrain, he saved some money from halaal sources However, Umar knew and invited him to Al-Madiinah.
Let Abu Hurairah narrate the quick conversation that took place between them: `Umar said to me, "O the enemy of Allah and His Book, did you steal the money of Allah?" I said, "I am not the enemy of Allah or His Book. I am the enemy of their enemy. Besides, I am not the one who steals the money of Allah!" He said, "Then how did you gather 10,000?" I said, "I had a horse that had foaled (ie beranak pinak) repeatedly." `Umar said, "Put it (the money) in the Bait Al-Maal (the treasury)."
Abu Hurairah gave the money to `Umar and raised his hands towards the sky saying, "O Allah, forgive the Commander of the Faithful." After a while `Umar called Abu Hurairah and offered him the governorship again. However, he refused and apologized. `Umar asked why. Abu Hurairah said, "So that my honor would not be at stake, my money would not be taken, and my back would not be beaten." He added, "I'm afraid I would judge without knowledge or speak without patience."
Monday, 25 October 2010
Justice in Islaam
Samarkand is a great country located in North Asia, it has green mountains, hills and forests that you can never imagine. Samarkand is a city filled with gold and silver, silk, porcelain and natural resources. People of Samarkand used to worship the pagan idols that they made of jewelry, they put these gods in a temple in the mountains. This temple was specifically made for senior monks, and there were a lot of small temples deployed in the center of Samarkand.
In that era, Muslims were ruled by the Muslim Caliph who was an example because of his good manners and his way of worshipping god. He had many of the attributes of his grand father Al- Farouk Omar Bin Al Khattab- may Allah bless him- this Governor who governs all the country, has a kingdom which has never been owned by any one before him, not even by Persian Chosroes, Caesar Roman or Hakan. He has a kingdom extended from China to the Atlantic Ocean. His wife Fatima, the daughter of Abd al-Malik al-Khalifa and also the sister of the Caliph Suleiman, was the most honorable woman among the Arab women as seven males of her relatives were successors.
It is the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, may God have mercy on him ... ...
When the Islamic Army came under the leadership of commander. He was very seasoned, expert and tough with the disbelievers but very merciful with Muslims. His name was "Qutaybah ibn Muslim" – May Allah bless his soul and have mercy on him – when the Islamic army came on the outskirts of Samarkand, he ordered the army to go to the mountain behind the town because he didn’t want the people of Samarkand to see them. The Muslims army attacked the city and the army battalions from attacked behind the mountains as if they were a hurricane as they were very strong and fast. They reached the center of Samarkand and its conquerors cheer the remembrance of Allah. The monks fled to the great temple in the mountains and hid in their homes. The people of Samarkand didn't not go out for fear of Muslims, but for Muslims, the situation was stable.
The people of Samarkand began to come out of their homes to fetch water and food. They used to send their young children to perform these tasks and the Muslims didn’t face them, but they helped them to transfer the food and water. The children enter their houses with happiness. This situation began to spread the feelings of trust and tranquility in their hearts, and as a result, people returned to their shops, farms and properties after a short time. They found them the same as they left, nothing more or less. The normal life began to be good between Muslims and people of Samarkand in trade. They found that Muslims are faithful in their business; they did not lie or cheat. This impression rose when two persons quarreled. One of them was from the people of Samarkand, and the other was a Muslim. They went to the judge, but he judged to the man from Samarkand.
The news reached the runway monks in the mountain temple, so they said if this was their judgment, then they must have a fair ruler. They ordered their men to go to the Governor of Muslims and tell him what happened.
A young man went until he arrived at Damascus, he was full of fear and he saw a large palace. He told himself that this is the palace of their leader, but he saw people enter and exit without a visor and a sergeant. He encouraged himself to enter this place which was "the Umayyad Mosque". It was studded with precious gems, ornaments and Islamic majestic minarets. People knelt down in this wonderful place. He saw Muslims praying together and was surprised to see how those people are setting and lined up so quickly.
He stood up after the prayer; he went to a Muslim and asked about the palace of the caliph. He asked him: "Where is your leader?"
He told him: he was the man, who prayed with us, haven’t you seen him?
He said: no.
Muslim told him: "Did you pray with us?"
He said: "What is prayer?"
Muslim said: It is worshipping The Almighty Allah alone and becoming obedient to Him without any partner like the evil and immorality.
Muslim asked him: "Are not you a Muslim?"
He said: yes.
The Muslim smiled and asked him: "What is your religion?"
He said: "the religion of the priests of Samarkand".
Muslim asked: "What is their religion?"
He said: "Pagan, worshipping idols"
Muslim told him: We are Muslims worship God only.
He described caliph's home to him. The man went to that home and found an old clay house and an old man who fit the wall. His clothes were full of mud. He went back for a Muslim mosque and told him you make fun of me, I asked you about your leader and you sent me to a poor person fitting the wall.
The young man stood up until he reached the house of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the Muslim said "this is the Prince, who fits the wall"
The young man said: "don’t make fun at me again man"
The Muslim swore by Allah saying, "This is our leader".
The young man remembered the priests and how they were so proud even to talk to people.
While the young man was still surprised, a Woman came with her son and asked the Caliph to increase its bid of money from the Muslims bank because she had many children. Suddenly, the Son of the woman hit the Caliph's son and hurt his head; they fought on a small game. The Caliph's wife hurried towards her son and carried him. She shouted at the woman. Caliph bandaged his son's head, and went out to the woman and calmed her down and took the game from his son and gave it to the woman's son. Then he told her to go to the Treasurer and say that he can increase her money.
Caliph's wife said "her son hit your son and then you raise her money". Caliph told her "you frightened her, and The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said that whoever frightens a Muslim Allah frightens him on the Day of Resurrection......) and then completed the reformation of the wall.
The young man from Samarkand was surprised with what he saw, he dared and moved forward at a slow pace to Omar bin Abdul Aziz and said: You are the Prince of the Muslims?. The Caliph Omar answered, "Yes, and what's your business?"
The young man replied "I have a complaint about Qutaybah ibn Muslim."
The prince knew that it's not a complaint between two people.
The young man completed the complaint: Samarkand priests sent me and they told me that it's from your traditions that when you open any country, you make them choose one from three things, to invite them to Islam, tribute or war....
Caliph said: Yes, this is our custom, said that the country has the right to choose among the three…, The young man said "it isn’t your right to make a ruling or make a surprise or assaulted", Caliph said: "Yes, it is not our custom to do so and Allah Almighty ordered us not to do so, and our Prophet forbade us from being injustice". The young man said, "Qutaybah ibn Muslim did not do so, but his army surprised us..."
When the Caliph heard that he didn’t make any order, as it is not his habit to listen to one side, he decided to write to the governor. He wrote a series of lines, and ordered the young man to send it for the governor of Samarkand as he will remove the injustice happening there.
This young man went from Damascus to Samarkand wondering about what a paper can do in front of the swords of Qutaybah ibn Muslim???
When he arrived at Samarkand, he gave the paper to the priests who told him, give it to the Governor to do what's written in it. The boy went and gave it to the governor. The governor was Surprised, but he noticed the seal on the letter. He opened the letter finding that it contains the following:
"To the governor of Samarkand, peace and mercy of God be upon you, set up judge between the priests of Samarkand and Qutaybah ibn Muslim ... put yourself in the place of Qutaiba."
Caliph doesn't want to return Qutaiba and distract him from his conquests.
The Governor could not do something but doing as what was written in the lines, he appointed a judge quickly. But the judge was afraid to hide things from the governor known only to Qutaybah. The judge Select the day of tomorrow to meet in the mosque and ordered the priests to come. And ordered the people as well to come in the presence of Qutaybah ibn Muslim.
Qutaybah ibn Muslim was at that time a very strong commander who has the most powerful army in the Earth. Qutaybah ibn Muslim has completed the walk to China in the Islamic conquests. But the judge ordered him to return back, and he returned after a walk of two days.
When the priests knew that he came, they become so afraid.
Qutaybah entered the mosque and put his sword and took off his shoe ... Then the judge told him to sit next to his opponent.
Here the Court began
The priest stood up and said: Qutaybah ibn Muslim entered our country without warning the whole country, he didn't give us neither warning nor options for an invitation to Islam, tribute or war ... but he attacked us without warning ...
The judge turned to the commander Qutaybah ibn Muslim and asked "what do you say about this complaint"
Qutaiba said: "war is a trick ... this country is a great obstacle to us and all those who were like it did not resist to pay money and did not like to enter Islam, and if we fought them, they would kill from us more than we kill from them"...
And by the help of Allah and surprise we defended Muslims from great harm and the history witnesses on that... and all country behind them became so easy ... Yes we surprised them but rescued and let they know about Islam.
The judge said: "Qutaybah! Did you invite them to Islam, tribute or war??
Qutaybah said" no, we surprised them for what I told you before".
The judge said: "Qutaybah you confessed and by that the court ended"
"Qutaybah, Allah supports this nation only by religion... and by avoiding treachery, and setting up justice. we were out of our homes but for a fight (jihad) for Allah's sake ... we didn’t go out to have land and occupy the country unjustly "...
Then the judge issued the ruling: "I rule out that the armies of all Muslims of this country should get out of this country and give it to its people and give them the opportunity to prepare for the fight, and then make them choose among Islam, tribute or war. If they choose the war then we will fight… and Muslims will get out of Samarkand without any thing as they entered (i.e., with no commercial gain) and submit the city to its people, and that is the application of the law of Almighty Allah and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him".
All Muslims began to come out of the city until the judge came out in front of the priests, the priests did not believe that. The people of Samarkand look at Muslims until they all went out and the city become empty from all Muslims...
The young priests said "what they did prove that their religion is the right, "I witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger." All the priests pronounced that no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger and entered Islam.
That is the story of the greatest court in the history. It made people of Samarkand satisfied with the rule of Islam and as a result, people entered Islam in crowds ... even the high priest entered Islam.
And this was another page from the pages of history of Islam, which proves in every position the justice of Islam with Muslims and non-Muslims ...
By Fatma Dawood
taken from:
Book of Stories from the history, "the story of Samarkand court" by: Sheikh Tantawi
Islam and international law by Sheikh Wahbeh al-Zuhili
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Story about George, the Byzantine Roman
iA (god willing) i will plagiarise (type down) a story on the above from the book Commanders of the Muslim Army by: Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar.
There is another very interesting anecdote associated with the Battle of Yarmook. A Roman General by the name of Jarjah (I think this refer to George as the Arabs tounge can be a bit different than the Romans hehe) ask Khalid bin Waleed r.a. (ie may allah be please with him) if he could answer his question truthfully. Khalid bin Waleed answered that he would certainly do so.
He asked if his Prophet s.a.w ( ie blessings and peace be upon him) had received a special sword from heaven and given it to him, because his opponents always seemed to meet with defeat.
Khalid bin Waleed r.a. said that he had certainly not received any sword from heaven.
Jarjah then asked him:
"Why are you called Saifullah (Sword of Allah s.w.t ie grorified be He [from all flaws] the most high)"
Khalid bin Waleed r.a. said it was because Allah Almighty had sent a messenger to guide them. Some of the people has sworn allegiance to him and loved him with their hearts and souls and obeyed him implicitly; others had rejected him and chose to oppose him and his teachings. He, Khalid bin Waleed r.a. himself had been one of his worst enemies. Then Allah s.w.t. had inclined his heart towards Islam, and he had sworn allegiance to the Prophet s.a.w. in person and joined the band of Muslims. On one occasion, addressing, the Prophet s.a.w. had said:
"Khalid you are the sword of Allah Almighty which has been made to annihilate the kuffar (cruel, unjust disbelievers)"
Thus he came to be known as Saifullah (the sword of Allah). Khalid bin Waleed r.a. said they were preaching the unity of Oneness of the One True God (ie Allah in Arabic term), and inviting others to worship Him alone.
The Roman asked if a person pledged allegiance to Islam could he also earn the reward from Allah and reach the status of Khaleed bin Waleed r.a.?
Khaleed bin Waleed r.a. answered that he certainly could; in fact he could even be in a higher position. Moved deeply, the Roman said he wanted to swear allegiance to Islam and its Prophet s.a.w.
Following the guidance and instructions of Khalid bin Waleed r.a., he bathed and purified himself and read the words of acceptance, of the testimoney of faith on the Oneness on God, and two units of supererogatory (i think this means optional prayers). He bid farewell to his army and join the Mujahiden (people to strive hard purely for the sake of God). The Roman General now fought as an ordinary soldier under Khalid bin Waleed r.a. for the honour and love of Islaam, and gained martyrdom.
After coming to the fold of Islam he had had time only for those two units of prayer; how fortunate he was that his end was blessed as a submitter (Muslim).
may allah make us like one of them.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Bila tarikh raya???
السلام عليكم (Peace be upon you all)
Saja nak kongsi findings ttg calculation for the month of syawal tahun 1431H ni :)
Based on web site
Berikut merupakan summary
Jepun – Tokyo
Hari (Tarikh) | Iluminasi Bulan (Purata utk hari tu la ni rasanya) | Nampak ke Anak bulan sebelum maghrib?
| Waktu maghrib ie sunset | Nampak ke Anak bulan selepas maghrib ?
Rabu (8/9/10) | 0.3% *Bulan Baru mula 7.30pm* | ✘ (moonset 5:32pm) | 5.59pm | ✘ |
Khamis (9/9/10) | 0.90% | ✓ (moonrise 5:59am) | 5.58pm | ✓ (moonset 6:06 pm) |
So Raya Di Jepun based on calculation ni: JUMAAT la kan sebab kalender kita start maghrib.
Malaysia – KL
Hari (Tarikh) | Iluminasi Bulan (Purata utk hari tu la ni rasanya) | Nampak ke Anak bulan sebelum maghrib?
| Waktu maghrib ie sunset | Nampak ke Anak bulan selepas maghrib ?
Rabu (8/9/10) | 0.2% *Bulan Baru mula 6.30pm* | ✓ (moonset 7.05pm) | 7.15pm | ✘ |
Khamis (9/9/10) | 1.20% | ✓ (moonrise 7.33am) | 7.15pm | ✓ (moonset 7.56 pm) |
So Raya Di Malaysia – KL based on calculation ni: KHAMIS la kan sebab kalender kita start maghrib.
UK – London
Hari (Tarikh) | Iluminasi Bulan (Purata utk hari tu la ni rasanya) | Nampak ke Anak bulan sebelum maghrib?
| Waktu maghrib ie sunset | Nampak ke Anak bulan selepas maghrib ?
Rabu (8/9/10) | 0.2% *Bulan Baru mula 11.30am* | ✓ (moonset 7.03pm) | 7.31pm | ✘ |
Khamis (9/9/10) | 2.00% | ✓ (moonset 7.23pm) | 7.29pm | ✘ |
So Raya Di UK – London based on calculation ni: KHAMIS la kan sebab kalender kita start maghrib.
In the end of the day والله اعلم (Definitely Allah knows better).
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Perangkap Syaitan
Nak share satu lg puisi :)
Hidup di dunia ini banyak dengan tipu daya syaitan,
harus kita berhati2 selalu,
Pastikan tidak terjerat ke perangkap syaitan
Membawa kehancuran dunia dan juga akhirat
Haruslah kita berpegang kepada 'tali' Allah setiap masa
Berpandukan kepada panduan alquran dan juga sunnah yg sahih
Ya Allah,
Dari Engkau sahajalah ketenangan haqiqi dapat dikecapi.
Hidup di dunia ini pastilah byk cabarannya,
Nak masuk syurga bukan boleh goyang kaki saja,
iA berkat ketabahan dan kecekalan kita,
akan diberi ganjaran ilahi
Ya Allah,
Dari Engkau sahajalah ketenangan haqiqi dapat dikecapi.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Friday, 21 May 2010
Updated 22/5: Derma Kilat Muaz Firdausi Khairul Izham
Summary payment untuk muaz:
1. Ikut Bank Account MSM Appeal, seperti yg tertera dalam poster di bawah
Account No : 31458272
Sort Code: 40-31-17
Account Name: MSM Appeal
Reference : Mu’az FirdausiBoleh lawat blog Bapa Muaz, Khairul Izham @ Keyo di sini - KLIK
[By Mohd Khairul Izham Musa, the dad]
Assalamualaikum wbt..
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who has already been helping us by making continous du’aa, monetary donations, as well as moral support to me,my wife Azila,and our young mujahid Mr Muaz Firdausi bin Khairul Izham. I can only hold my hands up and pray to Allah that He may grant all of you al-Jannah for the things that you have done in making this easier for us.
For those who doesnt know the story yet, my wife gave birth to our first son on the 19th May 2010. However, it was a premature birth where our baby was delivered 13 weeks before my wife’s expected delivery date. This totally caught us by surprise as from the last check up that we had a week earlier we were told by the doctor that everything up to that point has been fine.
Whilst we felt very thrilled and grateful that Allah has given us our eagerly-awaited young mujahid in the shape of the little Mu’az Firdausi, the timing of it did caught us by surprise as we were actually planning to deliver the baby in Malaysia. In Czech, all pregnant women must have a pregnancy insurance cover which would entitle them to care and treatment in the hospital. However, the insurance was quite expensive and we have decided against taking the insurance as we would not be able to bear the financial side of it,plus we were planning to have our baby delivered in Malaysia anyway.Little did we know that The Almighty has had a different plan.
As with other premature babies,our little Muaz Firdausi would need to be cared for in a special unit with an incubator and everything for about 40 days if everything goes smoothly.Without the insurance, we are going to have to bear all the cost ourselves..and the cost for using the incubator per day is 25000kc which would translate into around EUR1000 per day. So in total we are looking at a figure of EURO 40 000 just to make sure that our little Muaz get every little help he needed to survive this test Allah has given him(and us) since day one of his life.
Therefore, we would really appreciate if any of you who would be willing to contribute financially to lessen our burden here though this centralized appeal account organized by Majlis Syura Muslimun UK who has kindly agreed to act as a donation point for us.Even if you cant help out financially and making du’a is pretty much the only thing u can contribute, we would still be eternally grateful for that as well.So the account details are:
Account No : 31458272
Sort Code: 40-31-17
Account Name: MSM Appeal
Reference : Mu’az Firdausi
Finally, thank you so much for your time reading this appeal…on behalf of our little family I thank you in advance for each and every little help that you’re giving us, may Allah reward all of you with His Jannah ameen
Assalamualaikum wbt..
##Mesej dari Dr Syed Jefrizal Syed Jamal, Specialist Registrar Neonatalogist, QMC, Nottingham:
A'kum semua, minta maaf pakai channel nie.
Untuk makluman semua, ada seorang sister kita (4th year medical student) sudah selamat melahirkan seorang anak di Prague. Namun begitu, anak beliau dilahirkan premature 27 minggu.
Di Czech Republic, Malaysians kena bayar kos perubatan. Dianggarkan, kos sehari untuk anak beliau adalah sekitar GBP 900.
Kalau kat UK, babies hanya boleh discharge ke rumah sekitar 34 minggu.
Semoga kita semua dapat contribute sedikit bantuan kewangan kepada saudara kita ini.
Mesej dari Firdaus Rahim (diedit sedikit):
Sahabat-sahabat yang dimuliakan,
Alhamdulillah, salah seorang sahabat kita baru sahaja melahirkan seorang anak lelaki yang dinamakan Muaz Firdausi. Namun begitu, anak beliau lahir secara premature (tidak cukup bulan). Beliau, Hazilawaty, merupakan pelajar Malaysia yang merupakan bekas pelajar Kolej Yayasan UEM yang sedang menuntut di dalam jurusan perubatan tahun ke-4 di Republik Czech.
Oleh kerana anaknya lahir tidak cukup bulan, maka kos tambahan yang diperlukan amat tinggi (mencecah 25000Kc@GBP900. 00@EUR1000. 00 per day). Untuk pengetahuan lanjut, bolehlah dibaca secara first hand daripada blog suaminya, saudara Khairul Izham Musa, pelajar Mechanical Engineer tahun ke-4 di University of Nottingham.
Semoga anak ini dapat membesar dengan sihat berkat sumbangan ikhlas anda semua.
Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca dan syukran.
jz semua
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Segala us-haku hanyalah kepadaMu
Coretan ini hanyalah untukmu,
Sebagai saksi bahawa segala2nya dalam hidupku yang kerdil ini hanyalah untukMu, tuhan yang satu-satunya tuhan sekalian alam,
Tidak kira apa jua yang telah engkau tentukan untukku,
Ku terima dengan redhanya,
Kerna Engkaulah segala2nya,
Ya Allah, Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Sajak release stress
Saja nak tulis sajak seket, luah perasaan tatkala stress exam ni dan pelbagai cabaran2 lain dalam kehidupan.
Bismillahirrahmanirraheem . Dengan Nama Allah Yg Pemurah Yg Pengasih
Hidup dunia ini sungguh sementara,
Walau sementara byk cabaranya,
Godaan syetan sentiasa mengganggu,
Imaan taqwa kena dijaga senantiasa,
Ku rindu,
Ku rindu,
Ingatan kepada mu sudah cukup pengubat diriku,
Ku yakin iA,
Ku yakin iA,
Hidup akhirat mmg kekal abadi,
Baik dan buruk, akan dihitung semuanya,
Hamba setan diheret sekali ke neraka,
Mereka yg berjaya, kebahagiaan haqiqi hadiahnya.
Ku berusaha,
Ku berdoa,
Moga Mu menempatkan daku di tempat yg berjaya.
Ya Rabb, kepada mu kami berserah.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Palestin oleh El Suraya
Munsyid (Penashid) : El Suraya
Dengar atau download di sini : KLIK
Mayat-mayat terbujur di tepi jalan raya
Orang tua yang uzur, anak-anak tak berdaya
Peria dan wanita, gadis muda remaja
Mereka turut gugur sebagai bunga bangsa
Rakyat Palestin terus diancam oleh insan yang bengis
Berbagai ragam tindakan kejam Yahudi dan Falangis (Phalanges Party of Lebanon i think this means)
Palestin dibuat seperti binatang sembelihan
Dibunuh disakiti tanpa belas kasihan
Mereka tak perduli walau dunia mengecam
begitulah yahudi ganas, buas, bengis, kejam
inikah ciri bangsa yang mengaku beradab
merosak masjid aqsa dengan cara biadap
ingatlah suatu masa, pagi ataupun petang
balasan akan tiba, kutukan pasti datang
kepada manusia, tuhan telah katakan
insan yang aniaya, pasti dapat kutukan
Palestin, Palestin, Palestin
Ro'akallah (رعاك الله) (Rasanya maksudnya: Allah menjaga mu)
Thursday, 29 April 2010
gerabak utk wanita
Monday, 1 March 2010
Sebaran Program : Menghayati erti sebenar Maulidur Rasul
Ingin mewar2kan program kita hari rabu ini berkait ttg menghayati erti sebenar Maulidur Rasul bertemakan 'From Mecca to Jurusalem' oleh ustaz tersohor, Ustaz Maszlee Malik.
Details nya adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : Rabu ni, 3hb Mac 2010
Bertempat ; Dunkirk and Old Lenton Community Centre (belakang kedai runcit Spa dunkirk)
Masa : 7.30pm to 9.45pm (Malam)

Jika nak bawa makanan tambahan amatlah dialu-alukan,
Jom datang beramai2 meriahkan suasana,
tambah ilmu dalam ini majlis perdana.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Kegagalan iA akan membawa kepada kejayaan yang lebih besar!
hidup sebagai pelajar medik penuh dengan naik dan turunnya....
apa taknya, tatkala, exams yang begitu banyak... serta keputusannya yang begitu 'unpredictable'.
iA apa2 yang berlaku dalam hidup ini ada hikmahnya dan merupakan satu ujian daripada maha pencipta supaya kita menjadi insan yang lebih baik hari demi hari.
cuma, ana sering mengingatkan diri ana bahawa exam di dunia ini ciptaan manusia, ada cacat celanya, ye la, yg membuatnya manusia, yang meng'assess'nya juga manusia. kalau gagal, boleh cuba lagi (to a certain extent) dan dengan izin allah akan lulus.
ingin diingatkan, exam yang haqiqi yang yang diatur segala2 oleh allah, di'assess' oleh allah, yg examnya tiada cacat cela, dan peluangnya hanya sekali, itulah yang harus kita betul2 pastikan kita akan lulus, iA bukan sahaja lulus (jannah) tetapi lulus dengan cemerlang (jannatul firdaus).
so ketahuilah kawan2, jika kita fail dalam exam uni ni, it is nothing compared fail dalam exam yang haqiqi...
so jangan la kita bersedih, kerana exam uni kalau nak dibandingkan dengan exam haqiqi sangatlah sedikit nilainya.
apa yang penting dalam dunia ni, saya akan sentiasa mengamalkan prinsip tawakkal, yakni kita berusaha bersungguh2 dengan penuh bijak dan berterusan dan lepas itu bertawakkal kepada allah. sesungguhnya allah tau apa yg terbaik untuk kita.
yang tampak baik tak semestinya baik utk kita,
dan yang tampak buruk tak semestinya buruk utk kita.
gagal boleh membawa kita kepada kejayaan yang lebih besar iA,
maka marilah kita tidak berputus asa, us-ha lagi dengan bersungguh2 seboleh mungkin, berserah kepada allah, dan iA syurga firdaus, matlamat kita akan menjadi kenyataan.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Piala Bahas Dublin - ODECHAL
Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010 bersamaan 30 Muharram 1431
Kepada: Presiden dan pimpinan persatuan-persatuan mahasiswa di UK dan Ireland.
Assalammualaikum wbt
Sukacita dimaklumkan Lajnah Akademik dan Intelek PPIMI akan menganjurkan Piala Bahas Mahasiswa Luar Negara atau OVERSEAS STUDENTS’ DEBATERS CHAMPIONS LEAGUE (ODECHAL). Piala bahas ini merupakan sebuat 'pilot event' dan merupakan antara yang pertama seumpamanya di bumi UK dan Eropah ini.
PPIMI merasakan bahawa mahasiswa di luar negara secara amnya agak terkebelakang berbanding mahasiswa tempatan dari aspek penguasaan isu semasa dan kebolehan berhujah di khalayak ramai. Ini adalah amat mendukacitakan kerana mahasiswa sewajarnya menjuarai isu-isu semasa dan bertindak sebagai elemen sedar dalam masyarakat. Maka, PPIMI mengambil inisiatif ini untuk bersama-sama mengembalikan potensi mahasiswa luar negara selaras dengan hasrat negara untuk membangunkan modal insan demi landasan kecemerlangan generasi masa hadapan.
Pada tahun ini, ODECHAL akan bermula dengan kejohanan bahas Bahasa Malaysia dahulu. Namun, pada masa akan datang PPIMI berhasrat untuk menjadikan ODECHAL setaraf dengan piala-piala bahas yang lain, dengan menampilkan bahas Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris. Berikut adalah maklumat lanjut beserta lampiran fail syarat pertandingan.
Tempat: RCSI, Dublin
Tarikh: 13 - 14 Mac 2010
Bilangan Pasukan: 16
Sistem: Liga
Video Promosi: Klik
Tarikh Akhir Pendaftaran: 28 Januari 2010
Emel Pendaftaran: odechal_ppimi@
Juara: 300 Euro beserta trofi dan sijil
Naib Juara: 200 Euro beserta sijil
Semua pembahas: Sijil penyertaan
Pembahas Terbaik: Hadiah Istimewa beserta trofi dan sijil.
Oleh itu, PPIMI menyeru agar persatuan-persatuan seluruh UK dan Ireland bersama-sama memeriahkan promosi piala ODECHAL dan menghantar pasukan masing-masing. Bersama kita kembalikan budaya perbahasan yang positif di arena pentas mahasiswa.
Yang Menjalankan Tugas,
Nurhanis Syazni Roslan
Timbalan Presiden PPIMI
RCSI 2011
From Umar ibn Al-Khattab from the Prophet(saw) who said:
"If only you relied on Allah a true reliance, He wouldprovide sustenance for you just as He does the birds: They flyout in the morning empty and return in the afternoon with fullstomachs. "
Ahmad, An-Nasaa’I, IbnMajah, Al-Hakim and At-Tirmidhi who said: "Hassansahih"
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Pandangan ; Isu prohibiting non muslim preaching openly in an ideal islamic state and isu allah might be related
Saya teringat ttg isu prohibiting non muslim preaching openly in an ideal islamic state.
but there is still freedom of religious practice... that is the can practice the religion within their group of people i think..
i quite like the sheikh quo from the article below:
Any person is allowed by law to stand at the corner of the street and say that 3 plus 3 equals 5, but he should not be allowed to teach this to the students in a school.
so, i think it would be very bad to say allah has a son (god forgive me) openly in a muslim country.. which is clearly against the oneness of allah..
however, if they want to say it not openly, within their limitation it might be ok.
wallahua'lam (definitely allah knows best)
Salaams. I've heard that it's not permitted (by Islam) to let other religions (e.g. Christian preachers) preach and explain their religion in Islamic territories. How can Muslims expect other religion followers to let them (Muslims) spread Islam in non-Islamic countries, while they do not allow anybody to spread his/her faith in Islamic countries? Also why are Christians prohibited from building churches in Saudi Arabia? Thanks in advance for your explanation.
Salam, Hamed.
Thank you for your question.
Islam guarantees freedom of religion in Muslim countries. There are millions of Christians in Muslim countries.
In Egypt alone, there are more than four million Christians. They preach their religion freely. They even go to poverty-stricken areas, giving their charity to the needy, and distribute their proselytizing material, like richly colored pamphlets and booklets.
They also have huge and beautifully built churches, which number 2400, according to the official census of 1996.
In a country like Denmark, however, 250,000 Muslims are not permitted to build one mosque as Islam is not yet considered an official religion in Denmark. This is despite the fact that more than 5% of Danes are Muslims.
Muslim Danes practice their rituals in buildings that one can not differentiate from industrial constructions.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against oppressing the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) saying that he will come on the Day of Judgment arguing against the oppressor.
The question that has never been answered is: Why are there waves of missionaries from European countries, where atheism has defeated Christianity, flooding the Muslim countries trying to baptize the needy Muslims instead of supporting the Christian youth with all their resources and educating them about the existence of God?
Regarding dawah activities in the West, first, most of those who do the efforts to educate non-Muslims about Islam are members of the Muslim communities living in these countries.
Second, dawah in Islam does not mean converting people to Islam but rather informing people about the reality of Islam.
We read this meaning in the Quran:
*{Just say the truth from your Lord, then whosoever wants to believe let him believe and whosoever wants to disbelieve let him disbelieve.} * (Al-Kahf 18:29)
Regarding the non-existence of churches in Saudi Arabia, every religion has a sacred land, like the Vatican for the Catholic Christians. we all know that there are neither mosques nor synagogues in the Vatican.
I think it would be very rude of Muslims and Jews if they ask for building their places of worship in the Vatican.
Likewise, the land of Arabia is a sacred land for the Muslims.
The wisdom in this is that every religion has the right to teach its followers that its beliefs are the right beliefs and that other beliefs are either false or not accurate.
Any person is allowed by law to stand at the corner of the street and say that 3 plus 3 equals 5, but he should not be allowed to teach this to the students in a school.
It follows that every religion has the right to have its own sacred land to preach its teachings without interruption or interference from others.
I hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch.
Subhanallah! Digit '40' dalam perubatan moden obstetrik
Baru2 i hangat juga dibincangkan di medical school tentang etika atau ethics ttg abortion.
Saya cukup tertarik bagaimana islam menyediakan penyelesaian yang cukup lengkap ttg isu abortion.
Satu hadith yang cukup relevan saya kira ttg isu ini ialah:
Beginning of Creation
Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 54 :: Hadith 430
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Mus'ud:
Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, "(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his (i.e. the new creature's) deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him. So, a man amongst you may do (good deeds till there is only a cubit between him and Paradise and then what has been written for him decides his behavior and he starts doing (evil) deeds characteristic of the people of the (Hell) Fire. And similarly a man amongst you may do (evil) deeds till there is only a cubit between him and the (Hell) Fire, and then what has been written for him decides his behavior, and he starts doing deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise.
boleh juga rujuk kepada artikel dari sheikh yusuf qaradawi ttg iniKLIK
yg menariknya dalam medik, kita diajarkan bahawa tempoh kandungan ialah 40 minggu..
jika dilihat hadith berkenaan, menyentuh tentang 3 peringkat yg setiap satunya bertempoh 40 hari.
maka kalau nak ikut tempoh 40 minggu, kalau kita ada peringkat2 yang bertempoh sama selama 40 hari, maka kita akan ada 7 peringkat semuanya!
(7 peringkat ni satu hypothesis saya, dan mgkin boleh dibuat kajian)
subhanallah... mgkin boleh reflect ayat2 surah nuh:
( مَّا لَكُمْ لَا تَرْجُونَ لِلَّهِ وَقَارًا .وَقَدْ خَلَقَكُمْ أَطْوَارًا )( نوح)
“What is the matter with you, that ye are not conscious of Allah’s majesty,- Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages" (71: 13-14)subhanallah subhanallah (maha suci engkau dari segala cacat cela)
Friday, 8 January 2010
Fanatik + Jahil = Kehancuran; Penghayatan islam sahaja penyelamat kita
the attacks on the churches we heard recently should be condemned as much as possible.
it's clearly against the islamic teaching to do such despicable act.
The Holy Quran unequivocally prohibits destroying the houses of worship of all religions, as warned in Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 40.
“… Had not Allah checked the excesses and aggression of one set of people by means of another, surely would be destroyed monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated …”
I can empathise them, having myself been in lincoln where the mosque to be site was burnt into ashes.
and tentang isu penggunaan nama Allah tu. Ust Dr Maza dah jelas dengan terang lg tersuluh. Boleh rujuk. Garis panduan ini turut disokong orang bukan islam.
so, iA saya rasa kalau semua orang faham tentang islam yang sebenarnya, takkan jadi masalah di atas.
inilah akibat jika kejahilan dibiarkan dalam masyarakat. orang fanatik akan bertindak melulu dan kurang ajar.
apatah lagi jika pemimpin sendiri jahil.