Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Kekejaman Zionist Israel di Palestin

saya agak tertarik dengan satu pul komen yang dilinkkan tentang:

-are the israeli strikes on Gaza justified?-

oleh bbc (http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?sortBy=1&forumID=5857&start=15&tstart=0&edition=1&ttl=20081230140447#paginator)

Salah satu komen yang menarek perhatian saya adalah seperti berikut:

Added: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 13:47 GMT 13:47 UK

it is awful that we even allow ourselves to ask this question when people are being massacred. would we have asked this during the recent attacks in bombay or during 9/11?state terrorism is as unjustifiable as any other type of terrorism. do we need it to fit the description of genocide before we wake up to the enormity of the crime. the perpetrators of violence want us to take sides and they are winning the war.........

vidya, colombo

Beginilah, senario dunia zaman skrg, yg jelas batil masih boleh diputarpelitkan untuk kepentingan yg zalim. Sungguh menyedihkan.

Semoga Allah menyelamatkan umat Islam Palestin dan moga kita semua bersatu hati dalam menegakkan semula yang haq.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Ilmu Alam yakni Sains dan Ilmu Hisab yn Matematik....

Merujuk kepada pilihan yang tertulis dalam NST 16hb dec 08:

The options are:

  1. To continue teaching and learning of Maths and Science in English as it is now.

  2. To use Bahasa Malaysia or pupils' mother tongue as the medium of instruction from the primary school level and English for Maths and Science at the secondary level.

  3. To start using English for Maths and Science from Standard Four right into the secondary level.

  4. To use Bahasa Malaysia or mother tongue at the primary level, and Bahasa Malaysia fully at the secondary level.
  5. Schools to determine the medium of instruction for Maths and Science.

  6. To use Bahasa Malaysia or mother tongue from Standard One to Three, implement bi-lingual use from Standard Four to Six and full use of English at the secondary level.

  7. To abolish the Science subject from Standard One to Three and incorporate teaching of Science in other subjects.
Mengapa dan mengapa tiada pilihan berikut:

*Bahasa Melayu dan Ingeris diajar kedua2 sekali pada masa yang sama (igt lg x dulu ada subjek extra English in Science and technology.. mcm ni la contoh lebih kurang)... sebabnya 2 2 ada kepentingan masing2 justeru keutamaan kenelah diberikan sewajarnya. Tgk pelajar2 UK Ireland misalnya, hebat menguasai kedua2 bahasa ;)

Justeru, B. Ibunda tak diketepikan dan B Antarabangsa kini pon x diabaikan. Situasi menang2 :D

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Tok Maimun binti Yusuf

Ketika sedang menonton Buletin Utama 5hb Disember tadi, saya dikejutkan tentang seorang nenek berusia 89tahun (iA akan masuk ke 90 tak lama lagi rasanya) yang telah bertanding pada Pilihan Raya yang lepas. Kebetulan berita beliau tersebar lg tatkala peninggalan arwah ahli parlimen yg lepas secara mengejut.

Apa2 pon, saya cukup tertarik ttg semangat beliau yg saya rasa t'kandung beberapa mesej yang perlu dihayati oleh kita semua.

Tindakan beliau untuk bertanding seolah2 satu teguran yang cukup tajam kepada generasi2 muda kini. Masakan tidak; tatkala byk di kalangan masyarakat yang tidak berpuas hati dengan sesetengah perkara dari pihak kerajaan mahupon pembangkang, beliau telah mengambil tindakan yg sangat pro-aktif, dengan b'tanding atas calon bebas (lambang anak kunci), yg saya kira jauh melangkaui kebanyakan generasi muda yang m'ikot kata beliau, lebih kurang, 'asyik komplain saja lebih, keje nya tak jalan!'.

Usha seorang penjual kain yg serba kecilan ini, yg dapat dilihat berkempen dengan hanya menggunakan basikal sahaja, bagi saya sungguh ikhlas dan murni. Bayangkan, beliau sanggup menggadaikan rm10,000 hasil titik peluh beliau (wallahu alam berapa tahun beliau telah bertungkus lumus mengumpul duit sebanyak itu) semata2 utk membuktikan kesungguhan beliau.

Dan yer, beliau telah hilang wang pertaruhan itu disebabkan gagal mendapat 1/8 undi sekurang2nya.

Namun, saya rasa, gagal mendapat 1/8 undi, namun beliau telah berjaya dengan sungguh cemerlangnya menyedarkan masyarakat Msia khasnya bahawa benarlah apa yg difirman Allah yakni 'Allah tidak akan mengubah naseb sesuatu bangsa melainkan bangsa itu sendiri mengubahnya'. Sememangnya usia juga bukanlah sesuatu isu di sini.

Usha Tok Mun sangat saya hargai dan saya harap dapat dijadikan anjakan pemikiran utk lebih maju ke depan berdasarkan kepada landasan syariah yg betul iA.

Mungkin kita boleh dirikan dana untuk mengembalikan kembali duit beliau tersebut.

Oh yer, beliau ada blog beliau yg sendiri iaitu www.maimunbintiyusuf.blogspot.com .

*sumber gambar di atas dtg dr blog di bawah:

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Islamic Economy Blessed by God for All Mankind

Salam alaikum dear friends,

Just came back from a very inspiring talk organised by ISOC of notts uni on islamic banking. It was a very eye opening experience being told about the hidden and obvious oppresity of the current corrupted, full of deception economy that we like it or not are practising.

One bizarre eg of the oppressing effect of the economy is the current condition that we can see in 'poorest' countries in Africa. Not that they are poor actually as they have plenty and plenty of resources. However, due to the deception of the current economy through lending based on riba' (interest), they are trapped in severe debt that leaves their people to be deprived of basic necessty which explains many death due to malnourished infants etc.

The horror effects of interest can be not as straight forward. But bottomline it really is oppressive. The richer gets richer and they poorer stays poorer. Why aren't we not listening to what god has clearly ordered us to do in the quran?? I'm telling u, if we keep on deviant like this, the situation will get worse and worse.

The talk really reaffirmed my belief that if one studies and practises Islam with the collective understanding, it can practically solved ALL of our problems in life.

many2 eg that i can cite from the talk tonite, but i just wanna touch on economy based on what God has ordered us to practice as stated in the Quran and its reflection from the practice of the prophet (hadith).

one thing that differentiate islamic economy with the current one, that i think we all should ponder, is that islamic economy looks at the welfare of the people, also regardless whether u are muslim or not whereas the current oppressive economy looks at profits. omitting interest (with proper islamic management) will surely benefit everyone.

Sadly, there isnt any clear initiative that we can gather at the meeting that we can gather at the talk!

Could this be that muslims have not yet found the islamic economy which is practical enough to be practiced in the muslim?? if this is so, muslims themselves should be blaim. and i'm telling you i dont dare to face the wrath of god if we, that has been given clear guideline from God, are not doing enough to practise what we have been given. It's a real shame.

Anyway, I was watching a video clip from bilal philips from ediscoverislam.com on interest. And then i got an idea on how to apply islamic banking practically in this modern world as follow:

1. What if we set but a REAL centralised Islamic Bank. It must consist of pious Muslim economics from all over the world. Non muslims should be allowed to join in as well.

2. EVERYONE particularly muslims must be encouraged to deposit money in this bank.

3. Remember that the objective of this bank follow the objective of islamic economy which focuses on the welfare of the people.

4. Lending must NOT have any interest.

5. But of course lending must carefully be managed so that people dont simply borrow as they wish to. Islamic management of the bank will determine if they really deserve them. Non-muslims again should be allowed to borrow as well.

I think this idea will definitely work esp with further guidance based on the quran and hadith.

I hope i have conveyed my thoughts for the God (Allah).

May Allah grand us success in this world and hereafter iA.